“David finally left me alone, so there’s that. It’s just lonely now without you. I’m half tempted to move out here too,” she admitted.

Sterling handed her a water and me a glass of wine. “So do it. I’ve been looking for an excuse to run Jake out of here; you could have his place.”

I sipped it with a grin. “Jake saw me in my underwear twice. Sterling might punch his eyes in if it happens a third time.”

“Might do it anyway. Twice is two too many.” He kissed the top of my head, then smiled politely at Kylie. “I should shower. Oliver should be here soon, so I’ll leave you two to catch up until he comes. If you need anything, Zeppelin knows her way around.”

Kylie hummed gratitude as she watched my man disappear up the stairs. “He’s seriously fucking delicious. That suit is giving me some thoughts I absolutely should not be having about my best friend’s boyfriend. I’d say I’m sorry, but that would be a lie.”

Even I couldn’t be mad at that. “Yeah, imagine working here for months and not being allowed to touch? Downright torture. So you saw the photo of Ollie. Thoughts?”

“He’s beautiful too. Hell, even the old man is kinda hot. Is that sad? That’s sad.” She took a drink to distract her mouth as I covered a laugh. “Fuck off. You probably get laid every day.”

I couldn’t deny it. “I went years though, dickhole. I deserve to be this damn sore.”

“I’m absolutely not saying you don’t. I’m asking you not to judge me for saying an old man is hot.”

“I wasn’t,” I laughed. “Charlie’s heart is with another, I’m sorry. This family is full of secret romantics.”

Kylie eyed me skeptically, but sighed and sat back. “Honestly, the last thing I need right now is a romantic guy who lives this far from me. I’ll keep my hands to myself, promise.”

“Zepp?” Sterling called from the stairs. “Where’s the suitcase that’s usually under the bed?”

I got up and walked closer so I could see him. “It’s still there, just pushed back further. I stubbed my damn toe on it when I was changing the sheets. Do you need help, Sir?”

“No, I’ll get it. You guys might want to go without us, though. I have to go handle something.” He disappeared back into the room, and I frowned over at Kylie, then followed him just as he was unlatching the suitcase.

“Hey ... everything okay?”

“Nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” he said quietly, but the gun he was pulling out of that suitcase and tucking into his waistband seemed to contradict that. “It’s not my place to tell you the whole truth, but Oliver occasionally gets himself in ... trouble. Tonight is apparently no exception.”

Panic tingled in my chest as I tried to find words, but unfortunately all that came out was “I thought that was money ... or documents ... a g— Sir, don’t go.” I loved Ollie, hated the idea of him being in trouble, but the thought of something happening to Sterling nearly gave me a heart attack.

“Relax, sweetheart. It’s just a precaution.” He kissed my forehead, holding there for a moment. “Nothing has ever happened before and nothing will happen tonight. Just go to Fitz’s and have a good time with Kylie. I’ll text you when Ollie and I are on the way.”

“Promise?” I whispered. “Promise you’ll text as soon as you have him.” I clung to his shirt, letting him kiss my hair over and over again.

“I promise. I’m serious, Zeppelin. It’s just me being overly cautious.”

I nodded, going on my toes for a proper kiss, one I deepened and held for much longer than I intended to. “I like that you’re overly cautious.”

“Then stop thinking I’m going to get shot when I walk out the door,” he said firmly. “And go to the bar. Your friend is here, please don’t give me another reason to want to punch my brother.”

I forced a smile and backpedaled toward the door. “Fine, but I’ll be getting drunk tonight so ... hurry.” I winked and made my way back down in a daze, pretending I felt confident about everything I just saw — but I didn’t. I trusted him though, and this time, trust would have to be enough.


“CRAZY, RIGHT?” I EXCLAIMED, laughing as Kapri gawked at me after I filled her in. “They’re not so intimidating when you get to know them.”

I took a shot as Kylie eyed some guy across the bar, then snapped her attention back to us. “I don’t know about that, but I’m new here. He seemed at least mildly intimidating to me.” She held her hand next to her mouth and whisper-yelled to me, “Y’know, the suit and the gun!”

“Shh!” I hissed. “I shouldn’t have told you about that. I just ... panicked. What do you think it is? The only thing that comes to mind is Ollie actually knocked someone up but I don’t know. Why would he need a ... G?”

Both Kylie and Kapri laughed at me for not being able to say the word “gun,” but the fact that Kapri heard that and didn’t seem surprised had me even more nervous.

“Sorry, Zepp,” Ky said. “Promise I’ll use my mouth for drinking and not for talking now.”

“Just drinking? Or is this eye-fucking I’m seeing between you and Polo Shirt over there going to go next-level anytime soon?”