“Roy,” Sterling said with a wide smile. “Little late this time. I’m disappointed.”

I began to slowly back away toward the stairs, needing to be anywhere but there, but before I could make it Jake ran inside behind them. Great. Let’s have a fucking Brisley picnic while we’re at it.

Carl’s barking echoed upstairs at all the commotion so I took that as an excuse to leave. I darted up the stairs into Charlie’s room to calm the poor, scared dog, then took him to my room so I could change my clothes and try to fix my hair.

By the time I had the balls to go back down, everyone else was gone and Sterling was alone, cleaning up the charred bread in the oven.

“Guess I put pants on for no reason?” I said softly, approaching him slowly to kneel down with him and touch his firm back. “Need some help?”

“No, I’m just about done. The spaghetti seems fine if you want to dish that up, though,” he said, leaning in to kiss me quickly.

I nodded, noting the amusement radiating off of him. “So I take it that’s not the first time that’s happened for you?”

“Not exactly, but it’s the first time I was the reason. It was always Ollie,” he said. “It ... feels good.”

“Does it?” I asked teasingly, standing to grab the plates. “And ... them seeing me in my panties? Did that feel good too, Sir?”

Every trace of amusement disappeared. “No. Though, you being in my shirt and covered in my come helped balance it out.”

I bit back a grin as I served our food. “I bet it did. Good thing I like wearing your shirts and being covered in your come.”

“And good thing Roy knows better,” he added, sitting down. “Carl okay?”

“Yep. He’s in my room now, I wasn’t sure if they would all still be here so I left him up. I’ll let him down after we eat. He’s going to be disappointed he didn’t get a bite of bread.”

Sterling chuckled, spinning the noodles on his fork. “He’ll be fine. He’s getting chubby; I should’ve taken him with me on my run.”

“He’s not getting chubby.” He was, and it was mostly my fault. “It’s sympathy weight, he misses Charlie and every time he gives me that derpy face I can’t help it.”

“Maybe we should see if we can sneak him out of rehab for a day to see him,” he suggested. “Then you won’t have an excuse. And lucky, he should only be in there for another week or so anyway.”

“Yeah, they’ll be fine. No more cooking in panties though, Sir.” I bumped him with my leg and changed the subject. “I talked to Ky. She’s going to come this weekend, you think you and Ollie can make a dinner? Or we can all head out to the bar?”

He looked guilty as hell as he tried to pull spaghetti into his mouth and it bounced off his chin on the way up. “Yes, that should be fine.”

I didn’t make him elaborate on his expression, instead I reached out to wipe his chin with a soft smile. Sterling really was something else, and I was completely fucking smitten. Way to go Zepp, you fell heels over head in love with your boss. Let’s just hope he stays all over you too.