Chapter Thirty-Two:

Go for the Jugular

After a week of themost glorious sex of my life, I still hadn’t had enough. I was like a hormonal teen all over again, constantly salivating for his cock. I knew we were both sore, yet I was on him and begging for him to end the teasing he’d done all day every time he walked through the door.

This day was no different, only I wouldn’t be getting what I wanted, and neither would my Dom. “Hello, Sir.” I lifted up my pajama shirt to show him the lace bra underneath. “Do we have time?” I asked, walking over to palm him and kiss his jaw.

“No,” he mumbled as his fingertips squeezed my waist. “We don’t.”

One bite to the jugular from me had him pinning me to the wall and kissing me breathless, and I thought for sure I’d won. I lifted my leg to wrap it around him, fingers slotting in his soft hair as my body begged him for more. “Quicky,” I whispered. “Just a quick one.”

“You know I like to take my time with you.” He stepped back, releasing me despite the bulge evident in his dress slacks. “We need to leave now or we won’t make it before visiting hours are over, and I know Ollie didn’t go today. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

I closed my eyes and took a breath, then nodded when I was calm enough to think. “Okay, I’m going to just change, one minute.”

I rushed up the stairs to slip on some jeans and a proper shirt, smiling to myself in the mirror when I thought of the teasing I could do that night at the rehab center. The lace felt a little naughtier as I made my way back to Sterling, and I didn’t allow myself to be disappointed in the fact that he looked completely composed again.

I’d be fucking that up soon.

As he drove, I placed a hand on his knee, then slid it a little higher with each passing mile so by the time we arrived it was fully on his crotch. To make matters worse, I leaned in to whisper, “I want to choke on your cock, Sir,” into his ear, and then got out of his car and walked straight toward the building.

Not surprisingly, it took him a couple of minutes to follow me in, and he was loosening his tie when he caught up to me. “That’s your one free pass today, sweetheart. I’m letting it go because I was later than I told you I would be, and that’s on me. But that’s it. Just the one.”

I pouted my lip and went on my toes to kiss his cheek. “That’s not an even number,” I mumbled into his ear, then brushed my hand along his cock just before the clerk escorted us back to his room. “Charlie!” I rushed over for a hug, pretending I was none the wiser to the tense man behind me. “How are you feeling?”

“Oh, I’m-I’m fine,” he said softly. “How are you?”

“Great.” Horny as hell, but we won’t go there. “Are they treating you good here?” I lifted up his blanket to check his socks and make sure they were using the ones we’d sent with him. “Sterling is great too. He just doesn’t know English anymore apparently.”

I grinned over at him, satisfied when I saw that familiar, constipated look on his face. “I was giving you a chance to answer,” he said calmly. “And I’m good, Dad. Just wish you weren’t stuck here.”

Charlie looked between us and hummed. “Something tells me you two needed the house to yourselves. Am I wrong?”

I couldn’t fight the smile if I tried, Sterling on the other hand only looked more tense by the second. “Is he wrong, Silver?”

“Neither one of us have been home much,” he deflected. “Are you resting alright here?”

“I’d rest better if you told me you and Zeppelin have worked your shit out, Son.”

Sterling blinked, then lowered his voice. “We have.”

“Sorry?” Charlie asked, holding his hand to his ear. “I’m an old man, I didn’t quite catch that.”

Against my better judgement, I pushed a little further. “Be a big boy and say it louder. We can’t hear you over here.”

His eyes flashed and his entire body jerked slightly as he stared at me, and the loud snap that followed sent a chill down my spine. “That remains to be seen, apparently.”

“Good thing I’ll be in here for a few weeks then,” Charlie said with amusement.

Not falling to my knees for him right there was a struggle. He looked commanding, his gaze so heavy with domination it was a fucking struggle to keep my composure.

But fucking hell were my lace panties soaked.

Their conversation buzzed along without me while I pulled myself together, and in the midst of that process I realized I had to brat. If I wanted to survive this visit without fully submitting in front of the man’s father, I had to keep pushing.

I walked over to him while Charlie complained about the channels he got on the television there, touching his hip softly as I grabbed his remote, then again before I went to take a seat next to Charlie’s bed. “I can probably sign into Netflix for you. Let me check it out.”

It wasn’t until that moment that I looked at his face again, but he looked like he’d calmed down.