Sheer, pure amusement spread through me. “Hi. What in the hell did I just walk in on? Do you two need a moment?” I asked, nodding to the almost-empty bowl.

Zeppelin chuckled with a small shake of her head. “You’re welcome to join, Silver. Three isn’t always a crowd.”

“Oh, I think in this case, it is.” I walked around the table and pulled her to her feet, then kissed her softly. “I was told to spend twenty minutes with you, and I’m positive my father will flay me alive if you go tonight and tell him I didn’t. So I’m sorry, but the leprechaun will have to wait.”

“I had enough time with him. I’m all yours, Sir. Whatever will we do?” She laid her head against my chest, holding me like she’d missed me as much as I missed her.

“I’m hesitant to edge either one of us again given what we’re planning when you come back home, so maybe just this?” I lifted her up and carried her to the couch, then sat with her on my lap and held her close. “Just don’t fall asleep like this. I know cereal is your bedtime snack.”

She grabbed her stuffed penguin and pulled it to her chest as she nuzzled in. “I won’t sleep. I already napped on the couch with Carl earlier. Donkey wants your cuddles too.”

“I don’t want to know why you have that thing on my couch, I’m just glad you like it. But I’m not cuddling with him.”

“You already are.” She had the nerve to make it nuzzle into my neck and distract me with a kiss, and I was powerless to stop her.

“You’re lucky I feel bad about what’s coming for you,” I said quietly. “I’ll let this slide.”

“Oh lucky me,” she whispered, nipping my chin to remind me this was torture for both of us, not just her. “Can’t wait.”