Chapter Ten:

Hobo Dinner

“Okay, I think I’vegot everything.” I stared down at my grocery list and chewed the end of the pen. All the necessities were there, even some of our favorite snacks — healthy and not always so healthy — but I still felt like something was missing. I jotted down a few more things for specific meals and suddenly got an idea. “Wait, what’s Sterling’s favorite dinner? I’d like to surprise him.”

Charlie looked up at me with a soft hum. “Make him a h-hobo dinner. My Ellie made them all the time when the boys were young, and Sterling insisted she make them for him even when he was grown.”

“Are you sure that won’t upset him? Is it too soon for that meal?”

“I think he needs shocked into not being a cuck,” he responded. “I think he needs comfort, even if it doesn’t seem like he deserves it.” He stood, reaching for the cane I’d seldom seen him use. “You want my advice? That’s what you make him.”

“Got it.” The recipe was simple: foil, hamburger meat, butter, potatoes, carrots and seasonings, and all I’d really need to grab from the store was fresh carrots and extra hamburger meat. So simple. Too simple. “I definitely thought you were going to say Beef Wellington or something fancy.”

“He can get that from a restaurant. He’s not as complicated as he’d like people to think he is. Just trust me.”

I followed him to help him up the stairs. “Do you need anything before I go?”

“Oh, no. I’ll manage,” he said with a tight smile. “Think I’ll take a nap. You have the card?”

“I do.” I was going to use mine to help out a little bit but I knew Charlie would insist I use his, and I really wasn’t in the financial place to argue just yet.

Once he was tucked into bed, I got in my car for what felt like the first time in a while, then blared my music so loud I could hardly hear myself think. I didn’t need to think though, I needed to rock out — car concerts were good for the soul.

My mood was still high by dinner time, and Charlie sat on a stool while I danced around the kitchen to Sam Cooke. I could tell he was loving it, and the simple bob of his head brought a smile to my face that I didn’t think would ever fade. “One day you’re going to dance with me, Charlie.”

He let out an amused huff as I started singing “Another Saturday Night” and tapped his fingers on the counter to the beat, then closed his eyes when a slower song started like he was remembering a far different scene. “I used to love dancing,” he admitted quietly. “My Ellie used to drag me once a week. I complained about it then, of course, but I don’t think she ever knew how much I loved it.”

As always, I felt myself soften once again at their love, but I decided to go with something lighter when I responded. “Are you telling me where Sterling gets his grouch from?”

“Who, me? Never,” he teased, chuckling softly. “Maybe just a little.”

I couldn’t help but join in as I put the pan in the oven and set the timer. “Now we wait.”


DINNER TURNED OUT TObe delicious. I made sure to text Sterling right at 7:00 pm when Charlie took his meds, and then we got into our pajamas for our nightly show.

Even though everything was done, I still felt nervous when the front door opened. It was a combination of nerves that he gave me normally and the fact that I made a meal his mother used to make him. Would he hate it? Would he hate me even more?

“Good evening, Sterling. Let me grab your dinner.” I made my way to the kitchen and pulled out his warm dinner, then set it out for him on the table with multiple different drink choices. “Not sure which you like, so here’s all of them.”

He blinked, staring down at the foil and ignoring the drinks. “What’s this?”

“Dinner,” I said simply, maybe a little nervously. “Your favorite.”

Breathing was an impossible task as he sat down and unbuttoned his suit, and I couldn’t tell if he wanted to thank me or smack me as he picked up his fork and took his first bite.

You just made a guy who hates you a meal that reminds him of his dead mom, so probably the latter.

Damn little devil.

His eyes closed slowly as he chewed, his shoulders relaxed, and he let out a soft moan of satisfaction that had me grinning. “Any tips?” I asked. “It was my first time, but I can tweak some things for next time if you have any suggestions.”

Why are you talking right now? Just take the sexy moan as a compliment and walk away.

Sterling shook his head slightly and refused to look at me as he loaded his fork again. “No, nothing. Don’t change a thing. It’s ... it’s good. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I slowly backed away with my hands clasped behind my back. “If you need anything else, just call me.” I bowed and took my leave, then realized I just fucking bowed and died a little. I fucking ruined it. Jesus, Zeppelin!