Page 47 of Shake Up My Life



My head is throbbing as I look around the clubhouse. Last night I drank and smoked a bit too much. It’s caught up with me this morning and I’m regretting it. The men are gathering their guns and shit.

We have a woman to rescue. Although, I’m wondering what is really going on with this shit. I have yet to see the president. Supposedly this is his daughter, and he hasn’t met with us. He hasn’t been anywhere that I’ve seen.

I’ve got fucking questions.

Uno clears his throat as he walks up to me. I don’t know what he plans on saying, but I don’t really give a fuck, either. I have questions, big fucking ones, and they are not for just a random brother, they are for the president.

“Where is your president?” I ask Uno.

His eyes widen and he shifts his attention to the floor, spits, then lifts it back up to meet my own. He shakes his head, and I can see the guilt swimming in his face. He doesn’t want to tell me, but I’m not going to do shit until he does.

“Vanished,” he murmurs, admitting it all rather easily. “His daughter was taken, I called you guys, and he took off.”

There is a fucking reason for that shit, and it’s not just that we told him to end his son-in-law and he didn’t. It’s more than that and I’m going to get to the bottom of it right fucking now. I’m not going to put myself, or the men at my back in danger for some shady-ass fucking shit, and right now, this feels shady as all hell.

“I haven’t seen him in two weeks,” Uno states.

“Why? What the fuck would possess him to betray his men and his daughter?”

He looks to the side, then slowly shifts his attention back to meet mine again. “You get his daughter back, you’ll find out exactly why. Keep in mind that she was married to Dusty for five years.”

“Why don’t you tell me what the fuck I’m going to see, brother? Because right now I’m debating taking my ass home. I got my own woman I need to see to.”

“She and Dusty were together for five years. He was thirty-five when I killed him yesterday. She just turned eighteen last week.”

A vision of my own nineteen-year-old pregnant old lady comes into my head, and I shake that away. I’m not Dusty. Tanner is a woman, even if she’s a touch too young for me. Plus, I didn’t even know her a month ago, let alone five years ago. I decide that I’m not quite as perverted as this fuck Dusty was and the girl’s father, the president, he should keep his ass away.

“You knew this, and you didn’t do anything to stop it?” I demand. “You knew he was a fucking kid toucher?”

Uno presses his lips together, his gaze shifting to the side. “Sinks, the president, he made it very fucking clear that it was not our business. He was her father, and he approved of the arrangement. Anyone who tried to stop it, he’d make an example out of.”

Turning to Bans, I arch a brow. “You know this shit?” I ask.

He shakes his head once. “I didn’t. I knew Dusty was into young girls, too young. I did not know that the president’s daughter was one of them and that he had been with her since she was thirteen. I had no fucking clue.”

“Nobody really did,” Uno announces. “We all kept it really quiet. We had to. That shit is illegal.”

“How many other perverts in your little club?” I ask.

Uno shakes his head slowly, his eyes lifting to find mine. “None. Not like that. An exception was made, one that I did not agree to. Honestly, I don’t think that anyone did.”

“Let’s hope not,” I grumble. “What happens when we get this girl back? What happens to your club when your president isn’t allowed to come back because I know my prez, and he will not stand for this shit, not ever.”

“I’m the VP. Guess I’ll be in charge,” Uno mutters. “Got no desire for that shit, but I don’t want my club or the men to suffer because of the president and his shitbag son-in-law.”

“The girl?” I ask.

He looks to the side, then shifts his gaze back to meet mine. I watch as he arches a brow. I know what that fucking look is. Shaking my head, I take a step backward and run my fingers through my hair.

“What the fuck do we do with her?” I ask.

“Hide her from her father. Do whatever the fuck you want, just don’t let him have her again.”

My eyes widen and I stare at him for a long moment. “What happens to her if he finds her?” I ask.