Page 37 of Shake Up My Life

All alone.

Kicking the sheets off of me, I feel around for my clothes and get dressed. I thought that Wesley said he would get some food. My stomach twists in hunger. Walking toward the door, I wrap my hand around the knob and gently tug it open as I slip out of the room.

The music is bumping through the building. There are people everywhere. The bar is busy and looks nothing like it did earlier today. There are men everywhere. And women. Naked women. I can’t keep my eyes off of the bare bodies that are moving around the space.

Then I see her.


There is a man thrusting. She’s on her hands and knees in the middle of the pool table while he fucks her from behind. She’s wearing a pair of high heels,onlya pair of high heels.

As my gaze moves up to her face, I notice that along with only the high heels, she’s also wearing a funny expression. I follow her gaze. She’s intensely watching something… or someone. Her body moving for the person she’s watching. She’s putting on a show.

It doesn’t take me long to notice exactly who she’s watching. Exactly who she’s putting on this show for. It’s Wesley. He’s sitting in a chair, slumped down slightly, a beer in one hand, a smoke in the other.

Tears fill my eyes at the sight.

This should not bother me. He isn’tdoinganything at all, nothing truly wrong. He’s just watching. But then I realize that he left me alone in our room to come down here and watch her and a fresh wave of heat slides throughout my entire body.

Brent was right.

It’s only been a few hours and right now I feel like I’ve made the biggest mistake of my entire life and there’s nothing that I can do to fix this. Brentwasright. So damn right. This was so stupid and now I’m stuck.

I almost turn around and walk out of the room, but then I decide that I won’t be doing that.Fuck that. This man brought me here. This man said he wanted me. This man is down here with this nasty, mean bitch. This man also promised me food.

Marching toward the man in question, I am halfway there when Brianne climbs down from the pool table. Her job is apparently finished and now she’s on to bigger, better things. But she doesn’t walk away from this area. Instead, she makes her way toward Wesley.

My steps falter at the sight. I can’t hear her, but I can see enough. She reaches out and touches him, presses her palm against the center of his chest. What causes my stomach to twist is the fact that he doesn’t push her away.

I decide to move again, my feet carrying me toward the both of them. Standing to the side of them, I face Wesley a little more than her. I’m kind of sick of seeing her naked, and I could live my whole life without seeing it again.

“Enjoying yourself?” I ask.