Page 31 of Shake Up My Life


Byron throws back his head in laughter. I cover my mouth and do the same. We’re reminiscing. Although we only went to school together for a couple of years, some funny stuff happened while we were there.

We’re talking about the time a bunch of students took over the intercom system during lunch and started roasting all of the teachers.

“Was that you?” I ask him, covering my mouth as I try to hide my laughter.

He just shrugs a shoulder but doesn’t actually confirm or deny my question. A shadow stands over us and I turn to look over and see Wesley standing there. He’s wearing a hard expression on his face, but I don’t let it bother me. Smiling up at him, I wave my hand in Byron’s direction.

“We went to high school together,” I announce.

Wesley’s face softens and he dips his chin slightly before he extends his hand, palm up. Lifting my arm, I slip my hand into his and slowly stand to my feet. Looking down at Byron, I tell him that it’s good to see him.

“I’ll see you around, Tanner,” he says with a smile.

Then I watch as he takes a step closer to Wesley and leans in, saying something too low for me to hear to him, then he breezes past and walks back behind the bar. I watch him, then flick my attention back to Wesley.

“You ready to get this handled?” he asks.

“Not really,” I admit.

He gives me a small smile, then dips his chin before his lips brush mine. “You’ll be okay, buttercup,” he murmurs against my mouth.

Without another word, he tugs me behind him and walks us out of the room. The sun is starting to set in the sky and as I sink down into the front seat of the car, I lift my hands and grip the steering wheel.

Wesley takes a step back, his eyes on mine, then he gives me a smirk and a wink before he jogs toward a bike. I watch him throw one leg over, straddling his machine. As I watch him, all I can think about is that as soon as I leave this parking lot, my life is forever changed.

I mean, it’s already changed, technically. But this will make it real. That reality is seriously setting in and I’m completely panicked about it. A baby, my brother, Wesley, Brianne, and this whole club thing.

I’m debating turning the car in a totally different direction and just speeding off somewhere unknown. Starting all over again, by myself, no Brent, no Riff, just me and this baby. I don’t do that though. I have to face this reality, this new life of mine. As much as I want to run, that wouldn’t be the answer to anything.

This baby isn’t going to disappear if I run. My brother isn’t going to suddenly accept any decision that I make for myself. He will always criticize. He will always tell me that I’m screwing up and just never approve. It’s who he is, I guess.

Maybe I shouldn’t be so critical of him. Maybe I’m being the same way with him that he is of me, and I don’t really realize it.

As the house approaches, I notice his detective’s issued car and Jenna’s car in the driveway. I pull up behind his work car and I flick my gaze up to the rearview mirror to see Wesley gliding in and parking along the curb.