He gives me a small smile, but then a shadow crosses his face, and he clears his throat as he shifts his attention to the side, then brings it back to meet my own.
“Part of this club now… well, almost.”
“Me too,” I whisper.
We start to talk. He tells me a little of how he ended up here and then we start talking about people we went to school with and what they’re doing now. The conversation is exactly what I need to get my mind off of Brianne and her eyes that never leave me. I can feel them on me, staring a hole through me, or at least trying.
Prez looks at me, he arches a brow as if he knows that I have something I need to say. He slams the gavel down to start church and then dips his chin in my direction and tells me to go ahead and speak.
“I’m claiming Tanner Pratt as mine,” I announce.
Nobody says anything, except Prez. He takes a step toward me, his eyes focused on mine and narrowing slightly. “The cop’s sister?” he asks.
“The cop’s sister,” I agree, nodding my head a couple of times. Maybe I shouldn’t tell him about the baby, but I decide to just say it, ripping it off like a Band-Aid. “She’s pregnant with my kid,” I announce.
The entire room goes quiet. I could hear a goddamn pin drop. I don’t say anything though, instead, I jerk my chin up and look down my nose at him. He clears his throat, leaning forward slightly as his eyes bore into mine.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Prez asks on a growl.
Shaking my head slowly, I clear my throat. “Showed up here about an hour ago, dropped the news. Fucked her bareback when she was here a few weeks ago. It’s not a big fucking shock she’s knocked up. I didn’t know who she was, but I’m not going to let her just walk outta here carrying my kid with her.”
“Fuck,” Prez hisses. “You doing this? For real?” he asks. “Putting her up in a house, taking care of her, claiming her as your old lady, all of it?”
“I am,” I state. “All of it.”
My situation is not clear, but my intention is crystal clear. This woman is mine, nobody else’s, and I’ll be damned if anyone tries to take her away from me.
“That girl you brought back with you, Brianne?” Country asks.
“Told her she could be a clubwhore or a dancer down at T.N.A. Don’t give a shit what she does.”
His eyes widen and he clears his throat as he shifts in his seat.
“You’re cold, brother,” Country says with a laugh.
“You want to claim her, feel free,” I announce.
He shakes his head. “Not my style, but thanks for the sloppy seconds,” he says.
I shrug a shoulder. “Not a bad lay. Maybe she’ll be a clubwhore and you can find out for yourself.”
God, I sound like such a dick, but I don’t even care. That is this life, and she came here fucking me everywhere and anywhere. Ready to do what I wanted, the way I wanted it. She had to have known that I promised her nothing… right?