Dominic shifted a second later, his size and black coloring intimidatingly fierce. Dad choked as he turned to glare at me.

“I recognize that dog,” he accused and I opened my mouth to say what, I didn’t know. Plead ignorance? Instead, I went on the offense.

“That’s what you comment on?” I shouted instead, waving my hand wildly at the brewing battle in our motel parking lot. “Really?”

“Well, I’m sorry if as a father I’m concerned my daughter is inviting a wolf home to sleep in her room. An older wolf at that!”

I blinked at him, stunned into silence by his response, until the sound of snapping jaws drew my attention back outside.

“Hank?” Dad muttered in the same tone one might say, “Et tu, Brutus?”

“Yeah,” I grumbled, watching the older man shift. Three others, one with a sandy coat sprinkled with gray, joined him. I didn’t see any ancient wolves hobbling around so I assumed Gregory must have remained behind. Other men joined the Navarre pack, ones who couldn’t shift, I reasoned, as they remained human. The Hanley’s had a few men amongst them and I wondered what weapons they may have brought to this fight.

No matter what happens, stay inside. Dominic’s voice whispered through my mind and when I didn’t answer immediately, he nudged me.

I can’t promise that, I answered, my heart threatening to jump out of my chest at the thought of him injured or worse.

His growl echoed through my mind and I flinched at the impotent fury in it. I promise to stay alive, I told him. Can you do the same?

For you, yes, he answered instantly and my chest eased enough for me to take a breath.

Stay safe, I whispered before I felt him close himself off from me mentally. I knew he’d need to focus on the fight in front of him, but I felt the absence keenly. My eyes darted constantly, keeping watch over my wolves. Lithe Anna darted between larger wolves snapping at their feet as Caleb followed, his heavier bulk finishing them off. Trent took a flank position to Dominic, as they ripped through anyone in their path. The pack elders fought intelligently, searching for opportunities to weaken the other pack by taking out key opponents. Hank stayed close to his alpha, and I watched as Dominic fought alongside Caleb, his fighting technique making more sense as I saw him keeping other wolves from attacking Caleb from behind.

My eyes kept moving, watching them as they fought, and wondering what the outcome would be. It took me a minute to realize I’d lost Anna in the turmoil of the fight, her smaller form harder to spot in the snarling mass.

Finally, I spotted her and my heart stopped. She was pinned by the sheriff and a couple of the other Hanley men, a gun trained on her. I shoved at the couch, suddenly desperate to get out and reach her.

“What are you doing?” Dad shouted, trying to stop me from moving the couch barricading the door. “You can’t go out there.”

“Watch me,” I muttered frantically. “Help me,” I finally screamed when he just stood there. “Anna is in danger. We can’t let them get her.” I peeked out the window again only to see them trying to round her up. It looked the men’s goal was to capture females. “Dad, now,” I demanded, my eyes holding his. He read the desperation and nodded. Together, we heaved the couch away and I darted to the door. He beat me to it, his hand hovering over the doorknob.

“We go together,” he told me and I nodded. The fight was still going as we ran along the sidewalk in front of the rooms. Luckily, Trent was our only guest since I had no idea how to explain a violent wolf fight in the parking lot.

I pointed to Anna and the men, and Dad gave me a nod. I didn’t have an actual plan other than to distract the men and give Anna an opportunity to escape. The idiocy of my actions dawned on me about the same time they saw me coming. The sight of the rifle in my dad’s hands did nothing to deter their smirks as they saw the chance to nab another breeding female. Anna gave a short howl as their attention diverted to me and suddenly Dominic was in my head.

Turn around, he growled and I shook my head.

I won’t let her get hurt, I answered him determinedly.

Anna darted around one of the men, her teeth snapping his leg like a toothpick. He fell, screaming, to the ground. The sheriff stared at me wild eyed; licking his lips and my dad cocked his rifle.

I stopped my forward momentum, forcing them to come to me and giving Anna the chance to slip around them.

“I will be rewarded if I bring you back,” the sheriff crowed, his eyes gleaming with excitement and lust. “They’ll let me have a taste. A chance to sow my seed.” I cringed at his words, and the desperate need in them.