Our motel was on the outskirts of town, barely noticeable in the towering forest that surrounded it. The entire town was encircled by forest and it wasn’t unusual to hear howling at night. Dad had joked that it was nothing to be worried about, just wolves howling at the moon. Glancing at the dense forest pressing in on either side, I tried to remember if wolves were nocturnal animals. Dominic and Caleb hadn’t seemed concerned so I crossed getting eaten by wolves off my list of fears as I continued to walk.

The roar of another car had me shifting closer to the edge of the shoulder. I wasn’t as concerned this time when I glanced over my shoulder, shoving my windblown hair from my cheek. It was an older pickup going much faster than the posted speed limit, but what caught my attention was the crazy guy hanging out the window howling.

I blinked, wondering if I was seeing things, but as they raced by, their wheels crossing the line onto the shoulder where I was, I realized, that no, a guy really was hanging out the window howling. The wind from their truck almost knocked me over even as gravel hit me.

“Stupid teenagers,” I muttered, barely keeping upright as they flew by me, and ignoring the fact that I was also a teenager. The quick glimpse I’d gotten of the guy assured me he wasn’t much older than me, but infinitely dumber.

Their brake lights flashed up ahead, tires smoking as they came to a screeching halt a few dozen yards ahead of me. They waited there for a second, the guy ducking inside of the truck, and a chill went through me. I was a girl, by myself, on the side of an empty highway. Dominic’s warning flashed through my mind and I cursed myself for not listening, even as I glanced around frantically for escape.

Please God, don’t let me die and Dominic be right, I prayed, panicking.

When I saw the brake lights go off, I felt a rush of relief, at least until I realized they were turning around. Within a second, I made my decision and darted into the woods. Caleb had indicated the road was on the other side of the path we’d walked home on and I hoped desperately that I hadn’t misunderstood him.

I crashed through dense underbrush, praying the men wouldn’t bother to get out of their truck to follow me. I had no plan other than to lose them and hope like hell Dominic and Caleb were walking home today. Instinct drove me forward through the bushes, knowing I couldn’t let them catch me.

After several minutes of struggling over roots and getting slapped in the face by low branches, I found myself in an open area. I stopped in shock, wondering if I’d actually made it. It only took me a second to realize I was standing under the same massive power lines. My breathing slowed as I paused, thinking maybe I’d escaped my pursuers.

My sense of relief was quickly squashed though as I heard the sound of pursuit. I dashed further into the clearing as I realized the guys following me hadn’t given up.

My muscles screamed but I didn’t slow as their mocking voices rang in my ears.

“Bitch in heat,” one cried, his laugh sounding maniacal to my ears.

“I could follow that scent all night,” another answered, the eagerness in his voice chilling me.

Up ahead I saw two men walking, and I could have cried in relief at the sight of them. Caleb was wearing a familiar shirt with the school’s mascot on the back – a howling wolf, and Dominic was recognizable by his sheer size.

“Dominic!” I screamed so loudly I could feel my throat tearing. He paused and a surge of energy went through me as I raced toward them.

Dominic turned, his head tilted, as he seemed to be listening for whatever had sent me running toward them. He stood there, alert to the approaching threat, as I threw myself at him, nearly hysterical with a fear I couldn’t begin to explain. His arms closed around me automatically as I clung to him, and prayed I hadn’t just made the situation worse. If the men chasing me had guns, they could easily kill Dominic and Caleb and it would be my fault. Over my thundering heart, I heard them talking, Dominic’s voice radiating with anger. My breath came in desperate gasps as I tried to speak

“Please don’t let them hurt me,” I begged, any embarrassment I felt at needing to be rescued gone as I considered what the guys chasing me had intended. Some of what they said hadn’t made sense to me, but I got the gist. If they caught me, they would rape me.

“Shhh, you’re safe now,” Dominic soothed, his chest rumbling under my ear as he spoke. I felt his hand smooth the hair against my back and I buried my face more firmly against his solid chest. For some inexplicable reason, my fear disappeared at the sound of his voice.