Page 79 of Heartstone

I snapped.“Micah!We have to go now.You can make it up to your girlfriend later.”

“She’s not my…sorry, Mona!”he shouted as he jogged after me.As he climbed in the truck, he said, “She’s not my girlfriend.We’re friends with benefits.”

“So not important right now,” I said.

“I know,” he said glumly, staring out the window.“But we really are friends.And now she’s pissed.I didn’t like treating her that way.”

“Well, hopefully she was telling the truth.Otherwise we’re going to turn around and tear that place apart,” I said.

Dominic nodded fervently.The rain was coming down harder now.He was driving too fast, but no one cautioned him to slow down.When we’d been driving out to Mona’s house, Dominic had been rigid with rage, but now he was electric with fear.

As we crossed onto Lodge land, the thump of the windshield wipers echoed the thump of my heart.We’d trusted Dr.Barnes.If he was behind this, the betrayal of trust was enormous.Why would he hurt my mother this way?What did he have to gain?

What might he be doing to her right now?

And Edie was with him too.The woman I loved had put herself in harm’s way by trying to protect my mother.I squirmed in my seat, wishing Dominic would drive faster.Then— “Shit, Dom, slow down!”

He skidded to a stop.There was a downed tree in the road.We’d had a lot of broken limbs in the wind.“Fuck,” Dom said.“We gotta move it.Too big to go around.”

The three of us hopped out of the truck, antsy with the delay.Cold rain plopped heavily on my shoulders and head Dom moved to one end and Micah and I to the other.

“Not so fast, Moreaus,” a voice called out.“And yes, I’m including you in that, Dominic.You left your clan and became one of them in all but name.”

Dominic dropped his end of the branch and stared at the figure emerging from the ditch.Figures: there were five of them, men dressed for light combat in boots and waterproof jackets.“No,” Dom said.“No, you’re dead.”

“Exiled is not the same as dead, old friend,” the voice said.It belonged to a wiry black man with a face as sharp and hard as hatchet.

“Theo?”Dominic breathed.

“That’s right, cuz.I’m sure glad to see you again.”Theo’s grin was harsh and cruel.“I can’t wait to show you what I’ve been up to.”