Page 44 of Heartstone

Not something I wanted to think about while I was on the phone with my mom.We said our I-Love-Yous, then she added, “Don’t forget, Edie, this is a vacation.It might seem exciting and different, but your real life is here.You belong here.”

“I know, Mom.”I could feel dread gathering around me like a cloud.“I’ll be home soon.”

I hung up and shoved the phone in my pocket.Then I picked up my work bag, which held everything I thought I would need.I was about to meet Dr.Barnes for the first time, and I wanted to be prepared.

I’d read through Melinda’s file twice.Most people don’t have their complete medical records from birth to death, but Melinda had been treated exclusively by either Dr.Barnes or his predecessor, Dr.Claude, for almost her entire life.From croup to pregnancy to high blood pressure, it was all there.I couldn’t fault the tests he’d run, and nothing obvious pointed to any condition I could think of.From what I could tell, he was a good doctor.

Which made Melinda’s illness all the more interesting.

‘Interesting’ is one of those words we’re taught not to use with patients.A person who is anxious and in pain wants to be reassured that their doctor knows exactly what is wrong with them, and how to fix it.When a person is sick or injured, they don’t want their ailment to be an intellectual exercise.But we wouldn’t get into this field if we weren’t interested in all the strange and amazing things the human body can do.And having the chance to examine a shifter was the most exciting thing that had happened in my entire life.

And that was counting whatever was happening between me and Jasper.God, he was hot.Memories of our time by the Tree kept coming back to me, as sharp and improbable as the memories of my dreams.I’d half-expected him to come to me last night.I’d stayed up later than usual, delaying my nighttime routine hoping he would come knocking at my door.Typically I was tired of spending time with someone within a few hours.With Jasper, I couldn’t seem to get enough.

That wasn’t the only thing that was unusual.I enjoyed sex, but I typically preferred to prepare myself both physically and mentally before it happened.With Jasper, I hadn’t given a single thought to my sweaty underarms or my ungroomed body hair, and I’d paid even less attention to whether he was a reasonable prospect for a relationship.None of that had mattered when he’d put his hands on me.

I reminded myself that men didn’t like women who clung.If he didn’t feel the same intense pull that I did, it was my responsibility to keep my needy body in check.Besides, there were probably dozens of women who had thrown themselves at him once they saw him on the back of a horse.I wasn’t beating myself up about being one of them.

I walked back to my car and followed the directions I’d been given to Dr.Barnes’ office.On my way to the Lodge, I’d driven through a small town: little more than a main street with businesses that catered to the tourists.There were a couple of restaurants, a general store, a fly-fishing supply, and a souvenir shop.I presumed that this was another facet of the Moreau’s business.This way, they had employment for more members of the clan, and kept their guests from venturing elsewhere to shop.The facades were all brick and stone to match the age of the lodge, but once you went around the back it was easy to see that they had been built more recently with repurposed materials.

The doctor’s office doubled as a sort of pharmacy, and there appeared to be an apartment upstairs.The bell on the door tinkled when I went in.A man looked up from his phone, and it took a moment for him to clear the scowl off his face.“Dr.Matthews?”

“Edie,” I said, striding forward to shake his hand.“And I take it you are Dr.Barnes.”

“Ethan,” he said, returning the courtesy as he rose to meet me.He was tall and attractive, with a shock of reddish-blond hair and a trustworthy jawline.“It’s a pleasure to meet you.I was told you’re a fellow at Johns Hopkins.”

Ah, time for the standard medical pissing match.“Yes, I’ve been there for two years, but I got my degree at Columbia.”

“Impressive.I did all my schooling here in Montana, but really I’ve been learning since I was a kid.My grandfather used to take me with him on his calls.”

“Dr.Claude was your grandfather?”

He pointed at a picture on the wall.A younger Ethan was standing next to a snow-haired man in front of this clinic, both of them in white coats.“We practiced together from the time I got my license.He died a few years back.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“He lived a long life, serving a community he loved.It doesn’t get much better than that,” he said with a practiced smile.“Come on.I left Melinda to get changed into her gown, she should be ready by now.”

I wasn’t surprised to see Dominic with Melinda in the exam room.From what little I’d seen of them, he clearly cared for her in every way, but he didn’t seem happy about it today.They were both staring mulishly in opposite directions when I came in.

“Good morning,” I said, putting on my best clinical smile.“How are you feeling today?”

“Fine.”When Dominic gave her an impatient look, she sighed.“A little tired.I had some stomach pain last night.”

“Did you eat anything unusual?”Dr.Barnes asked.

“No, we all had the same dinner together.”

“She barely ate,” Dominic put in.“She had some of her tea while we were at dinner, but by the time the boys left I could tell she was flagging.I put her to bed, and then I heard her groaning around one in the morning.”

“I’m fine now,” Melinda reiterated.“It was probably your cooking.”

“If that was the case, half the guests would have had the same issue,” Dominic said.“Salmon was the special last night.”

“I had it myself,” I put in.

“You should have come to dinner with us,” Melinda said.“You’re welcome any time.I’ll tell Jasper to invite you.”

“Thanks,” I said, staying non-committal.I doubted Jasper wanted to bring me into the family fold.He knew I was leaving; there was no point in pretending that what was between us was more significant than it was.Besides, getting too close to the family would make it harder to treat Melinda.“Have you had anything to eat so far today?”