Page 92 of Heartstone

Flint shot him a dour look.“Don’t be so surprised, Jas.Between the cabins and the village, I’ve built more houses in the last ten years than most contractors will work on their entire lives.Some people appreciate my skills.”

“Is that what she wanted?A builder?”

Flint’s lip twitched.It was clear he thought of himself as more than a simple builder.“They’ve had some damage from the fires, and they want some help building firebreaks, thinning trees, that sort of thing.”

“That doesn’t seem all that complicated.”

“It isn’t.I got the impression that she’s really looking for something more spectacular.She said they had a good harvest, and she wanted to use the profits to invest in the sort of business that we have here in Twisted Pines.She mentioned a retreat or a wedding venue, something like that.They’d still grow the flowers, of course, but I think she wants to diversify.”

Jasper moved his shoulders.“It sounds like a good idea.But I don’t know if we can spare you right now.”

“Did you forget your own plan?”

Jasper’s hand jerked in mine.“That was a bad plan.”

“What plan was that?”I asked.

“Marisol is the Alpha of San Jacinto,” Flint explained.“If she married one of us, that would put her in line to rule Twisted Pines as well.She’s already well-established as the Alpha of her clan, so there wouldn’t be many challengers who would try to take her on.Jasper here was planning to arrange a marriage with her before you came along.”

I shook my head.I still had a lot to learn about shifters.“Does this Marisol get a say in any of this?”

“Of course.She’s Alpha,” Flint said.“A young, unmarried Alpha without an heir.Her clan will accept that for a while, but it’s only a matter of time before they force her to pick someone.Why not me?”

“I can think of a few reasons,” Jasper mumbled.

Flint prepared to spit more venom at his brother, but Dominic held up his hand.“No one is making an arranged marriage.Melinda wouldn’t want it.”

“Not everybody wants a fated mate,” Flint said.“More trouble than it’s worth, if you ask me.No offense.And I get the impression Marisol thinks the same way.She called me, after all.Did she ever call you?”

When Jasper only glowered, I squeezed his hand.In my sweetest voice, I said, “Babe, do you want to explain to me in detail why you’re jealous right now?”

Jasper winced.Everyone laughed, breaking the tension.“When did this happen, by the way?”Micah said, gesturing between me and Jasper, his smile a little too bright.“It seems like you two have sorted things out?”

“I told her we’re fated last night.”Jasper waited a beat.“Who won the pool?”

Dominic raised his hand sheepishly.I covered my eyes in embarrassment as everyone laughed again.

“I think Flint’s right,” Mona said, bringing the subject back.“If Marisol is showing interest in him, she could be a good potential heir for your mother.At the very least, having her in the mix could help keep the clan calm once we tell them about Melinda.”

“That’ll be fun,” Micah muttered.

“It’s just for a week,” Flint said.“I’m going to bring a bunch of water and food, since the fires in the area have made it hard to get supplies.Consider it humanitarian outreach.”

“But Mom--”

“Mom is going to wake up or she’s not, and there’s not a damned thing I can do about it!”Everyone fell silent at the thunder of his voice.After a visible struggle to master himself, Flint managed to say, “I wasn’t there.I missed your call because I was working, and I wasn’t there.This is the only thing I can think to do to help her.”

“Alright, son,” Dominic said, reaching over to put a hand on Flint’s knee.“If you want to try it, go ahead.Truth be told, it would be a comfort to me if we could line up an heir because it would mean that your mother could pass her power without…” He couldn’t manage the words, but we all knew what he meant.“But if it doesn’t work out, we’ll find another solution.Fate has a funny way of changing your plans.”

Jasper and I looked at each other.“Speaking of changing plans…I’m going to move out to the village with Jasper instead of staying in this cabin.I’m hoping you’ll let my mom stay here, for a least a few days.And Mona, I hope we can spend some time together.I have a lot to learn from you about shifter biology.”

Mona nodded.“If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a look at Dr.Barnes’s body.I don’t know if I’ll be able to help, but I’ll certainly try.”

“We’re going to need to present a united front,” Dominic said.“No one wants a clan war.I suggest that until Melinda wakes up, there’s no need to tell anyone that she can’t shift.The coma is one thing—the clan rallied around her when she first got sick, and I believe they’ll do so again.And we need to tell them about Dr.Barnes, so that everyone understands the threat.But if there’s any hint that she won’t be able to be Alpha, even if she recovers, we’ll have anarchy.So let’s keep that part under wraps until we know more.Agreed?”

Mona said, “I don’t like keeping secrets from the rest of the council.If the time comes that they need to know, I’ll tell them.”

Dominic eyed her.“That’s good enough.We don’t expect you to act in Melinda’s best interest.But we do expect you to act in the best interests of the clan.”

When the meeting was over, Jasper and I followed everyone outside and watched them go their separate ways.It was another beautiful day, though there was a snap of cold in the air.We were only a few weeks from the ritual pack run that closed the season.For now, the Lodge was a busy, happy place, and most of the people who came to visit would never know how closely they’d brushed against true magic.

Jasper put his arm around me.The mountains were watching over us, distant and serene.Somewhere in those hills there was a wolf pack that was trying to share its secrets with us.Somewhere else, there were wolfmen planning their next attack.And in between, the Moreaus were waiting, ready to fight for their land and each other.

Jasper turned me toward him and kissed me.Baltimore Edie wouldn’t have been able to enjoy it, since there was so much else to worry about.But Montana Edie savored every second with this man, this place, this sky.