Page 54 of Heartstone

“Are you gonna get a mug out of the cabinet, or just stare at them?”

I pulled down two TPL mugs with lids as the coffee pot filled.The toaster popped.I put a reasonable amount of cream cheese on mine, and an unreasonable amount on Micah’s.“Dr.Barnes asked her to go on the trip?”

“Yeah.I guess he said something about how normally he’d have a nurse on call while he’s gone, but since Betty Harris is in Arcadia visiting her sister that’s not an option.And mom encouraged Edie to go.”

“Of course she did,” I said, wrapping Micah’s bagel in waxed paper.“I hate leaving mom right now.”

“Yeah,” Micah said.“But you said yourself that it’s too late to cancel the trip.”

Since Mom had tried to shift, she’d been basically bedridden.It had become impossible to hide her condition from the clan.We were too busy to plan a full clan meeting, but we’d sat down with Mona, the council leader.She was my mom’s best ally in keeping the clan calm and assuring everyone that Mom’s condition was temporary.

And if that didn’t turn out to be the case, Mona would probably be in the best position to challenge her as Alpha.

I shook off those worries for others.“Well, okay.Edie in the backcountry.Does she know what to bring?”

“I gave her your ridiculously extensive list.”

I filled his mug with coffee, capped it, and brought it and the bagel to him at the door.“I’m sorry I implied you’d go after Edie.I know you better than that.You’re a manwhore, but a manwhore with morals.”

He grinned as he accepted the breakfast.“Manwhore with morals.’I’m gonna put that on my business card.”

“As if you had a business card.Go on, get out of here,” I said, a matching grin spreading across my face.“We’ve got to be at the Lodge in less than an hour.”

“Nag, nag, nag,” he teased, and opened my front door to a sunlit morning.“See?I told you.It’s gonna be a beautiful day.”