Page 59 of Ruthless Games

“I’ve asked around,” Dustin says, apologetically, showing us into their room. “But he’s off the grid. Missed a study session, and we were going to throw a frisbee around this morning, too.”

Dustin is short, around my height, with black hair in tight curls and a dimple in his cheek. He’s so young, practically a kid, and Teddy is the same. He’s innocent and stepping into the room really drives that point home for me. Teddy’s bed is unmade, and there’s a haphazard pile of comic books on the desk. He’s hung up a poster from some recent superhero movie next to his bed.

It’s exactly what I imagined, and that makes my heart hurt.

“Tell us about the last time you saw Teddy.” Nero switches into action, cool and level-headed while I’m falling apart.

“Uhh…” Dustin looks nervous. I can’t blame him. Nero looks serious as hell, and I feel an unexpected rush of appreciation for him at this moment.

“We went to a party at a fraternity two nights ago—” Dustin starts.

“Teddy’s joining a fraternity?” I interrupt, surprised.

“No, that’s not really our style. But the parties are fun. You know, for the girls.” Dustin blushes.

“What happened at the party?” Nero presses, getting back on track.

“Nothing much.” Dustin shrugs. “I hooked up with a freshman chick who turned out to be way too clingy, and I haven’t seen Teddy since.”

“You didn’t see him leave the party?” Nero demands. “He hasn’t checked in with you even once?”

“No.” Dustin looks impatient. “I already told her this.”

“And now you’re telling me.” Nero looms. “You guys are friends, right? Do you have any idea where he could have gone? A mutual friend’s house? Did you check with anyone?”

“Yeah,” Dustin protests. “I mean, I texted a couple of people…”

“Call everyone. Now.”

Nero’s tone of voice makes it clear that he isn’t making a suggestion, and Dustin does as he says. I go to Teddy’s desk, rifling through his textbooks and school papers, futilely looking for some clue.

My hands are shaking.

Suddenly, Nero is bedside me, reaching out and taking my hands in his. I turn to look at him, and the stark fear I feel must show on my face because there’s sympathy in his eyes.

“I’ll find him. Don’t worry.”

I almost want to laugh at those words. Not worrying is completely impossible right now.

But the fact that Nero is trying to help means something. It provides comfort in a way that nothing else could.

“Give me your phone,” he says.

“What? Why.”

“I need his number. I know a guy, we can track his phone,” Nero says. “If someone’s got him…” he looks grim. “I’ll deal with them.”

I hand it over immediately. “If he calls…”

“I’ll come get you.” Nero promises. He steps into the hallway, and places a call, talking in a low voice.

I pace, still jittery. For the first time, I’m glad for Nero’s shady criminal contacts. If anyone can find Teddy, he will.

But what state will my brother be in?

I feel nauseous. He could be out there, hurt right now, needing my help. Bleeding by the side of the street somewhere.

Even dead.