Page 38 of Ruthless Games

I wince, and quickly explain about our suspected tail. “But it might not have been anything!” I exclaim. “I was probably just overreacting.”

“Or the Kovaks have someone on you now.” He scowls.

“Kyle lost them, it’s fine,” I reassure him. I move around the desk, and Nero pulls me into his lap.

“I hate the thought of you out there, without me,” he says, breathing me in.

“Well, short of locking me up at the house all day, there’s nothing to do,” I reply, wriggling on his lap.

“Don’t tempt me,” Nero grumbles, and I smile.

“Been there, done that. Didn’t turn out too well for either of us,” I remind him.

He sighs. “I know.”

I kiss him, enjoying the feel of his strong hands locked around my waist. Finally, we come up for air.

“There’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about…” I start, suddenly nervous.

“So the food was to butter me up?” Nero smirks.

“Maybe.” I smile back. “Before lunch… I went to tour an art school. I want to take classes there—if they accept me.”

I show him the brochure, and explain about the course I could follow, my excitement returning as I describe the buildings and teachers. “It could be amazing,” I say.

“So what are you waiting for? Do it,” he says immediately.

“I have to submit a portfolio,” I say. “And be accepted into the program.”

“That won’t be a problem. You’re an incredible artist.”

I glow. “And then… Well, there’s tuition.”

Nero bursts out laughing. “That’s what you’re worried about?”

“What?” I protest, blushing. “It’s not cheap.”

Nero lifts me off his lap and walks over to the safe on the far wall. He keys in a code, and swings open the door, revealing stack after stack of banded cash. He tosses one down, and then then next. And another.

“Nero!” I protest.

“What?” he grins. “In case you haven’t noticed, cash isn’t exactly in short supply around here.”

“But still. That’s your money.”

“Bullshit.” Nero strides back to me, pulling me close. “We took vows, remember, baby? What’s mine is yours. And what’s yours is mine.”

I roll my eyes. “I have nothing. Or like, a hundred bucks to my name, total.”

“Not anymore. You’re my wife,” Nero insists, eyes glittering down at me. “And it’s time you started acting like it. You don’t need to come to me, asking permission, like you’re on some fucking allowance. You want it? It’s yours.”

I suck in a breath, exhilarated. “So, tuition is OK?”

“If it puts that smile on your face, I’ll buy the whole fucking school for you.”

I laugh. “That won’t be necessary,” I say, throwing my arms around his neck. “Thank you.”

“Nothing to thank me for, Princess.” Nero kisses me. “But if you insist… I can think of a few ways…”