

Sunday’s pain was a hook in my heart, tugging me forward and pulling me from my room. The tether might be invisible, but there was no ignoring the connection as I followed it down the hall and toward the source. I shut the door to my assigned quarters behind me, the heavy wood sealing closed with a loud click, echoing down the hallway. I didn’t care if anyone heard me. Sunday needed me. That was all that mattered.

I’d heard Alek’s father, I think Sunday called him Nord, say that guards were to stay outside our rooms, but there was no one as I padded down the corridor, mostly ignoring the antique furniture and statues, except to note them as landmarks so I could find my way back. Sunday was two doors down from me, a massive taxidermy bear the halfway mark between us.

Kingston stood in front of said bear. He stared up at the creature, arms crossed, eyes narrowed. “Hey there, Yogi. Can you tell me where Sunshine’s picnic basket is hiding? I’m starved.”

“Weren’t you paying any attention when they led us to our rooms?” I asked with a sigh.

“I was too busy trying not to get shanked by the stab-happy Viking.”

“Which one? The woman?”

“Yes. She was handsy and scary as fuck. I’m not ashamed to admit it.”

“You should be,Alpha.”

“Fuck you, asshole. I’d like to see how you hold up when you’re the one at knifepoint. She threatened Jake. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do to protect little Noah.”

I cocked a brow and smirked. “There’s nothing little about him. You’ve seen what I’m working with. Sunday never complains.”

“Not to you.”

“Piss off, wanker.”

“I have no interest in the toothpicks the two of you are sporting under your trousers, I promise you. Now, what the hell are you doing wandering around unattended?”

Strega leaned against the wall next to Sunday’s door, her frame at once intimidating and striking.

“We’re coming to help our mate. She’s upset. I can feel it.”

“Yeah. She called us.”

Strega’s perfectly arched brow lifted. “Is she?Yourmate? I thought she was Alek’s?”

“It’s a long story, and frankly none of your business.”

She lifted her hands. “My orders were to watch, not to interfere. Go in, if you must, but from the sounds of it, she’s not going to make great company. Poor girl hasn’t stopped crying since she went inside.”

Kingston and I exchanged looks. That was the exact reason we were both here. We’d felt her pain and been helpless to ignore it.

“You heard her. Let’s go.” Kingston shoved past me and reached for the door.

“Don’t try anything shifty, puppy. I’ll tame you if I have to.”

He growled low in his throat. “Only one woman has that power, and as scary as you are, it’s not you. This may be your realm, but I will do whatever’s required to protect what’s mine. You’d do well to remember that.”

“And you’d do well to remember that I have cum stains in my sheets older than you, puppy.”

“Maybe you should try washing them.”

She bared her teeth in a terrifying imitation of a smile.

“Care to demonstrate the proper way to remove said stains from linens? You look like you have a lot of experience.”

Kingston’s mouth hung open as he searched for a rebuttal, so I opened the door and walked into Sunday’s room. If they wanted to have a battle of wits, more power to them, but I was only interested in the woman behind the door.