“Right. It’s time. I’ll open the portal, and we’ll all go through. Together.”

Tor pulled a stone the size of his palm out from his pocket. It was flat and wide, one surface covered in runes.

“The portal will open as soon as I activate the sigils. Stand ready.”

We huddled closer together, not sure what to expect when Tor set the stone on the ground and then pulled a small pocket knife out and sliced through his palm. Curling his hand into a fist, he let his blood dribble onto the carved surface.

Much like when Moira and Ash had opened the doorway between our realms, the air shimmered and moved, rippling like water as the spell took hold.

“Hurry. It won’t stay open long.”

Noah, Kingston, and I rushed ahead, Kingston shouldering our bags while Noah kept my hand firmly grasped in his.

I was halfway through when a soft grunt pulled my focus from my goal. I spun around to find Moira on the floor and Tor curled over her, helping her stand. His eyes found mine, panic in them.

“Go! It’s closing.”

Noah gave my hand a sharp tug, and together we tumbled into a snowbank as the magic passage from one realm to the next sealed shut. Our Novasgardian guide was trapped on the other side.