“I noticed. I can’t understand how my brother would willingly share you with two—”


Brows lifted, he let that sink in, then continued. “Three other men. Berserkers are notoriously possessive. Some might say irrationally, even. If a single man, let alone three, tried to come between my father and mother, he would have ripped their balls off and served them for breakfast.”

“That’s the difference. They don’t come between each other. They all love me, and I love them equally. Sharing is caring, you know.”

He shook his head. “I can’t picture willingly sharing my woman. How can she service me if she’s busy with someone else?”

I laughed despite my aching heart. “Do you need me to draw you a diagram?”

“Perhaps. I’m much better with visual aids.”

“Too bad I left my Barbies back home. You’ll just have to take my word for it. No one is leftunserviced.”

“We’re coming back to this conversation, svigerinne.”

“What did you just call me?”

“My sister-in-law.”

Something eased inside me when he called me that. As though he put up a block between us. I was thankful because as much as he resembled my mate, he didn’tfeellike him. I didn’t want to touch him the way I wanted Alek, misplaced kisses aside. Those didn’t count anyway. I’d thought I was welcoming my mate home. No one could hold that against me.

“I’m not anything-in-law just yet. Alek doesn’t even want to be here.”

“Which is why you need to get up off your pretty little arse and come with me. We need to get you to him, and if I need to, I’ll knock some sense into him.”

“Thank you, Tor.”

“Don’t mention it.” He took my hand again and helped me to my feet. “Now when we arrive in Novasgard, let me do the talking. We are very private and protective of our own. You’ll be a stranger. Instant suspicion will cloud everyone’s minds. We’ll take you to the jarl and get his blessing first.”

“Isn’t that... your dad?”


“Okay, so after I talk to him and he gives me the guest pass, then I’ll get to see Alek?”

Tor nodded. “I can’t imagine he’ll stay away once he finds out you’re there.”

At least one of us seemed confident about it.

“And then how do we get back here?”

“My uncle, Fin. He should be home from his assignment soon. He’ll open the portal. But if he’s not, there’s a gateway between our two realms. It will require additional travel once you cross over, but that can always be arranged.”

“Where does it open?”



Tor grinned. “Itisthe homeland of my ancestors.”

I shook my head. “Fucking Vikings.”

The back door opened, revealing Moira, today with a very aggressive electric blue hairstyle. She had it braided tightly at the sides while the bulk of it was pulled up into a series of complicated twists that created a badass semi-mohawk.

“Don’t you love it?” she said, patting the back of her head. “I wanted to look the part for Vikingland. Doesn’t this justscreamshieldmaiden?”