“There is one way...”

“Ah, so he can see reason. Good. Keep talking, you Marvel knockoff. I’m not convinced I shouldn’t eviscerate you yet.”

“I would rip your heart out before you landed your first blow, you ill-mannered mutt.”

“It takes one to know one.”

“Next you’re probably going to insult my mother. I should warn you, one more foul word about my family, and I’ll be wearing your balls as a necklace.”

“Sexy. You’d probably like having them that close to your face. Remind you what a real man looks like.”

“Kingston, stop,” Sunday’s soft command and the hand she rested over my heart were the only things that could have stopped me in that moment. I wanted blood, but I’d settle for anything that took that haunted look out of her eyes.

“How can we get him back, Viking?” I scooped Sunday into my arms, cradling her shivering form close. “She needs him. Her connection to him is what’s causing this berserker rage. It needs to be controlled.”

Tor’s nostrils flared as he released a heavy breath. “I have a device in my possession which will open up a portal to Novasgard. It’s only good for one use and supposed to be my ticket home, but given the state of things here, it might be wise to use it early. If she’s carrying my brother’s child... if she’s his mate, neither of them will survive being separated long without going mad.”

“It gets worse?” I asked.

“You don’t want to know how much worse, wolf.”

“Get on with the portaling, then.”

“We should get the others,” Sunday said. “They have to come with us.”

“Thorne is out hunting. He won’t be back till sunup. Can you wait until morning?”

I glanced down at Sunday’s tear-stained face. Her expression told me everything I needed to know. This one thing meant the world to her. I wasn’t the only man in her life. I knew that. And now that I’d finally accepted she wanted all of us, I’d be damned if I’d let some long-haired, bearded lumbersexual get in the way of what she needed.

“Okay, new plan. I’ll go track down your vampires.”

“How will you find them?”

I shrugged. “Easy. Follow the scent of self-loathing and despair.”

“I know where Caleb is. I can get him. You handle Noah.”

“Are you sure? You look like you could use a nap.”

She glared at me. “You were doing so good right up until the end.”

I grinned before jutting my chin in Tor’s direction. “What are we going to do with this asshole?”

“I’ll call Moira. She and Ash can babysit him and make sure he doesn’t get into any more trouble.”

“I don’t require a sitter.”

“Tough shit,” I said. “My woman says you do.”

“I thought she was my brother’s mate?”

I understood his confusion but didn’t have the energy, let alone the time, to take on that explanation. What was I going to say? She has a magic pussy, and we all get to dick her down real good? Didn’t see that going over well. Or worse, he might try to join the party. Fuck that. Four sausages were enough. There was already an excess. Too many hot dogs, not enough hot dog buns. Story of my life.

“It’s a long story, one I don’t have time to explain to someone whose brain is as puny as yours. Let’s just leave it at there are four of us and call it a day.”

“Four of you—”

“I said leave it.”

He snapped his mouth closed, but disapproval radiated from every line of his body.

“Come on, baby. Let’s get you cleaned up, and then we’ll both go on hunts of our own.”

I set her on her feet, and she smirked as her gaze raked my form. “You might want to put some clothes on first.”

Shrugging, I dropped the towel. “Debatable. I run better when I’m naked.”

“You do a lot of things better when you’re naked.”

“Damn right I do.”