

“And here’s your room.” I opened the door, forcing myself not to look over my shoulder at the hulking Viking male behind me as I entered his space.

My heart was in my throat as I strode to the corner and ran my fingers over the leather wingback chair I’d asked Kingston to steal from the library. A memento from Alek’s special quiet place, something to make his room feel more like home. And, of course, remind him of the same spot we’d first truly come together.

“I thought you might like this,” I said, sitting on the supple leather and bringing my focus to his.

His brows rose. “A chair? Yes, it’s very nice.”

That was it. Not a flicker of recognition in his gaze. My heart dropped. Maybe I’d misread its importance to him, accidentally projecting my own sentimental views onto it.

Clearing my throat, I stood and gestured to the rest of the room. “Well, what do you think?”

He glanced around, the room dwarfed by his size. I’d forgotten howbighe was. There was no hiding from him here. Nowhere I could stand where I wasn’t within an arm’s length of him. But even so, I still felt an entire world away.

“Do we not share a bed?”

“We can.”

“But you’re my mate. You should never be without me. Always within reach.” His features twisted with absolute confusion. “Why would we have separate rooms?”

“Well, it’s just that it can get a bit crowded. And I thought you might appreciate having a place that was just yours. In case you needed space.”

“Why would I want space?”

His words sounded off, as though he was leading me into a trap. I stepped closer to him. “Things are changing for us. So many things.” I swallowed.

Now was the time. I needed to tell him.

“Alek...elskan mín...”

I waited for his response. For him to reassure me and call me his beloved. He didn’t—hadn’t since he’d returned. The lack of his endearment for me hadn’t registered until now, but its absence was all I could think about. It felt significant.

“What is it?”

I stared into his eyes, eyes that seemed different from my memories, but I steeled myself against the unease raging inside me. Grabbing his hand, I pressed his palm to my slightly swollen middle. “I’m pregnant.”

All color drained from his face. His hand twitched once before he sucked in a sharp gasp and backed away as though I’d bitten him. “No. This cannot be.”

Not him too.Alek was supposed to be Team Pro-Baby, like Kingston. I blinked, feeling as though he’d slapped me. “Trust me, it is.”

He spun away, raking his hands through his long mane as he started pacing back and forth, muttering to himself. “What the fuck game is he playing?Heimdall’s shriveled dick, he’s always been irresponsible, but a mate? A child? I cannot keep up this charade. I won’t. This is beyond mischief. This is insanity. Toying with her emotions like this? She’s an innocent. She doesn’t deserve to be played with.”

As the tirade continued, his voice grew louder until he was practically bellowing with rage. The longer he spoke, the harder it was to deny the voice in the back of my mind screaming at me that something was very wrong.

“Take off your shirt,” I demanded, my voice strong even though my heart was broken.


“You heard me. Take off your shirt. Right now.”

Panic flickered in his eyes. “Why? Are you that desperate for it?”

My body hummed as anger took over for the heartbreak. I needed the truth, and I needed it right the fuck then.

“Take. It. Off.”