I held his stare, frustration and anger making my voice hard. “Your God is a real dick. Why bring us together, why make us fall in love, only to keep us apart? You speak of compassion and forgiveness, but all I see is pain and heartbreak. Is that really the kind of divine entity you want to serve?”

“I don’t have a choice. This isn’t something I can pick. I was called to serve Him.”

“There’s always a choice, Caleb. I may not know a lot about your religion, but I do know it’s based on free will. You said you don’t want to be my secret, but you are the one who’s hiding me. You can make any choice you want. You just don’twantto choose me.”

“It’s the only thing I want. But it’s also the only thing I can never have. Leave me, Sunday.” Despite the harsh bite of his words, there was also an undercurrent that sounded a lot like a plea.

I didn’t have a response for that. My shoulders slumped in defeat.

“Finally, she gets it.”

I glared at him. “What about the promises you made me? To always take care of us?”

“I made my promise to Him first.”

And that was it. With one sharp retort, he cut the fragile bond between us and crushed my still-beating heart. I let out a strangled noise, a combination of a cry and a scream. Tears swimming in my eyes, I turned away from him and walked toward the doors. I had to get out of here. I would not let him see me cry over him.

Before I left, I allowed myself one final glance at the man who well and truly broke me. He knelt in the middle of the aisle, palms up, face turned heavenward, eyes closed and expression tortured.

“Are you happy now?” he asked, and I knew the question wasn’t for me.

The pain in his voice was the only thing that kept me from shattering completely. If it hurt him this much to send me away, then there was still a chance for us. No one could deny their heart forever.

I had to believe it. Because the alternative was unbearable.