My gaze swept the space, catching sight of many familiar faces and a few new ones. But my breath caught when there in the corner stood the Seer. The bloody feckingSeer. What was she doing here?

Antoinette continued with her speech, but I couldn’t make out the words over the roar of blood in my ears. My focus was locked on the prophet standing in the shadows.

Was this some kind of joke? Or worse, a test? Surely it had to be. Why else would she be here?

Glancing around, it didn’t appear that anyone had noticed her. And then she stepped forward, and the headmistress’s words crystalized once more.

“And last but not least, the esteemed Trelawney Sinistra, who will be taking over for our beloved Sanderson.”

I jerked. Who the bloody hell were they trying to fool with that load of shite? It wasn’t even a good pseudonym. I may be little more than a stodgy professor, but I was up to date on my pop culture references, and that wasn’t even an attempt at discretion.

How was she going to teach anyone anything? The Seer only had a voice when the visions spoke through her.

“It’s my esteemed pleasure to join you. Though under tragic circumstances.”

My mouth fell open at the sound of her voice. Sweet and light, like bells. What in God’s name was happening?

“Please, mingle and get to know one another. As I said, you are each other’s allies, and we need to be a united front if we’re to successfully navigate the remaining months of this term. We have a long way to go.”

Voices broke out in cheerful conversation all around me, but I ignored everyone and beelined straight for the robed impostor.

“What are you doing here?” I snarled.

She blinked at me, something like panic flickering briefly in her eyes before she offered me a cool smile. “My dear Caleb, how nice to see you again. Did you enjoy your holidays?”

“Who are you? The Seer only talks to share her visions.”

She lifted one shoulder in a careless shrug. “Perhaps I simply had nothing interesting to say.”

“This is a blatant falsehood. You are not her. I’ve been in her presence enough times to know. If you think I’ll allow you to get away with stealing her identity, you’re wrong.”

Her eyes fogged over, arms going slack. “Once upon a time, in a faraway land filled with faeries and all manner of wee beasties...” I stiffened, ice water flooding my veins as she continued her intonation, “The Irish house is calling you, Caleb Gallagher. Your heart is at home where you worship Sunday.”

Sweet Christ,it really is her.No one else could possibly know about the bedtime story I told Sunday, much less the Irish house. I had to get out of here.

Leaving her side, I made for the door, but Antoinette’s palm on my chest stopped me.

“Not so fast, Caleb. We have one more topic which must be discussed before anyone leaves.”

Finding her hard stare with my own, I worked to rein in my frustration. “Get on with it then. I have work to do.”

She turned to address the room at large once more, clearing her throat to silence the bubbling conversations. “Apologies for the interruption, but... well, to be perfectly frank, we all must clear the air on one rule I have been too preoccupied to enforce of late. There will be no fraternization with students. Although they are all adults and well beyond impressionable ages, we are still their guides through this challenging time in their lives. No matter how much we may feel we connect with them, please do well to remember this. Immediate expulsion from Ravenscroft will result for any student or faculty member caught breaking the rule. No exceptions.”

Her eyes landed on me as she spoke these last words. There was no doubt who they were intended for.

My gut churned, but I tamped down the nerves and held myself together. “Is that all?”

“Yes. Enjoy your night, Caleb.”

I grabbed the handle and began opening the heavy door as Antoinette whispered in my ear, “From now on, you will no longer hold private sessions with Mademoiselle Fallon, and any punishments will come from me. Are we clear?”

I bared my teeth in a feral smile. “Crystal.”

My heart thundered in my chest as I raced back to my office, fury and fear creating a potent cocktail in my gut. It wasn’t until I sat back at my desk, hands shaking as they cradled my head, that I finally allowed myself to acknowledge the panic clawing inside me.

She knows.