“Listen to me right now, Noah Blackthorne.”

He stopped, turning to face me fully, expression expectant.

“Do not start acting differently around me or treating me like some precious, fragile thing.”

“But you are precious.”

“You know what I mean. Stop being swoony while I’m annoyed with you.”

He smirked. “I can’t help it.”

“Women have been having babies since the dawn of time. I’m no different. If you start holding back in any way, I’m going to resent you for it.”

He wove his hands through my hair, kissing me deeply. “No holding back, I promise.”

“Good. Now... I want you to move in—to the house, to my bed, all of it. Officially. Right now. But first, feed me, good sir.”

Forehead pressed against mine, he closed his eyes and breathed in long and slow. “Fuck, you smell amazing.”

“So do you. I missed you.”

“And I you, dove. But we are on a mission to get you fed. Shall we?”

Nodding, I let him pull me in the direction of the house... our house.

We walked along together, talking about nothing important, but this moment was everything. It was right and normal. The only thing keeping me from being blissfully happy was my missing Novasgardian.

Noah froze, posture going tense.

“What is it?” After everything we’d been through, I could only imagine what kind of threat loomed in the distance.

“Your heartbeat sounds so strange. Like there’s an echo.” His brows furrowed. “Are you feeling okay? Any lightheadedness or weakness? Have you been drinking enough water? Maybe we should get you to a doctor. Ensure things are progressing the way they are supposed to be.”

“Noah,” I said with a laugh. “I saw a doctor when I was at Kingston’s, and everything is fine. I think maybe you’re just picking up on the baby’s heartbeat.”

“What?” He dropped to his knees right there in the snow, laying his ear against my lower belly. “Bloody hell, you’re right. It’s so fast. Is it meant to be so fast?”

The panic in his voice made my heart swell. I glanced around, making sure no one was nearby as I threaded my fingers through his hair. “Yes. I think they’re like little hummingbird heartbeats until they’re older.”

His expression cleared, and his body visibly relaxed. “Thank fuck.”

“Come on, Daddy Question Mark. You look like you’re in need of a warm fire and a stiff drink. Let’s get you inside.”

“I’m the one meant to be taking care of you. Not the other way round.”

“We can take care of each other. That’s what mates are for, right?”

He rose back up and took my face in his hands, his eyes shining with affection. “Have I told you lately that I love you, Sunday Fallon?”

I pursed my lips and pretended to consider the question. “Hmm, not that I can remember.”

His lips feathered over mine. “Then allow me to remedy the situation. I am desperately in love with you, dove.”

“Good, because I’m desperately in love with you too.”

We walked up the path to our house, and I smiled to myself. Kingston came out of the front door, cocky grin already firmly in place. Until his gaze zeroed in on the button on Noah’s coat.

“Daddy?He gets to be called Daddy now?”