

Three weeks without Alek

“Ugh, why are these Novasgardians so tricky?” I shoved the book away from me, frowning at it as though the thing had done something personally offensive to me.

“I don’t know what you expect from a group of people who fled to protect themselves. Isn’t secrecy the name of the game?” Noah asked with a laugh.

“Look, if I wanted logic, I would have invited Caleb.”

His brow quirked. “Well, unlike your priest, I don’t combust in sunlight.”

I glared at him, but there was no heat to it. Glancing up at the clock, I sighed. “Where is that witch? She was supposed to meet us here ten minutes ago.”

As if the question summoned her, Moira burst through the library door, a flurry of snow flying in behind her, followed by a decidedly rumpled-looking Ash. My little witch was also waving around a catcher’s mitt.

“Sorry we’re late! We got a little sidetracked. Happy New Year, you two. I see you’ve made up.” Moira flopped into the chair opposite me and waggled her eyebrows.

“What the hell is that for?”

“Oh, this? I did a little studying up on break. I’m no midwife by any means, but my aunt is. I’m ready to catch whatever you want to throw at me. Aunt Millie is on standby to project over whenever you’re ready to talk through things or if you have any questions.”

I laughed, both touched and amused. “I take it this means you’re planning on being in the room during the birth?”

Moira gave me a look. “Duh. Where else would I be?”

Great. Four hulky, broody men—assuming everyone was back where they were supposed to be by then—and a tiny powerhouse witch. I might as well just have the baby in the middle of this library so the rest of England gets a good look at my hoo-ha too.

Moira booped me on the nose. “Missed you, roomie.”

“You’re cheerful today. What’s wrong with you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

“Nothing’s wrong. My girl is on the right side of the pond, and she’s staying, but the part you should be interested in is that we come bearing gifts for you.”

“So you found it? A way to help me go to Novasgard?”

“Not quite,” Moira said, deflating a bit. “But it’s the next best thing. I found a spell that will bring him back to you.”

I jumped up, knocking my chair over. Noah righted it for me, chuckling under his breath.

“Great. Let’s go. What are we waiting for?”

“Not so fast, sweet cheeks. I already warned you this kind of magic requires beaucoup power. It’s not a whenever we want kind of deal. It requires acelestial event.”

I frowned, dropping back into my seat. “What the hell does that mean?”

Ash shifted in her chair next to Moira. “It means this spell is connected to the moon and stars. It needs something to open the portal that’s beyond our realm. A comet, meteor shower, eclipse. Something like that.”

“Great. Where are we going to get one of those?”

Noah’s palm rested gently on my knee. “Calm down, dove. Your heart is hammering so loud it’s echoing.”

“I can’t just calm down. Alek is gone, he’s hurting, and I can’t do a damn thing to help him.”

Ash’s warm brown eyes were apologetic. “Well, you can. It’s just going to take a bit longer than you’d hoped. There’s a lunar eclipse in five weeks.”

“A month! You want me to wait an entire month—more than a month—just sitting here on my ass?”