

Two weeks without Alek

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled as I sat in the headmistress’s office. Again.

“I haven’t even been back a full day, and already I’m in trouble? What did I do now?” I muttered.

“Well, you got pregnant and were involved in a fae attack on Farrell land.”

The woman appeared from the shadows like she had melted into them to hide from my sight. Tricky.

My throat went tight. She knew? “How did you find out?”

“About the baby or the fae?”


She smirked. “You should know by now there’s not a thing that happens on this campus of which I’m not aware. As for the faesituation, Ronin called me personally as soon as it happened.”

So that’s who he’d run off to call.

“He wanted my personal assurances that I would do everything in my power to keep you and his future grandchild safe while you were here. I thought you’d be happy to know we’re taking this threat to you seriously and have hired additional staff to join us and lend their considerable strength to our own. The last of them will arrive by next week.” She quirked a brow. “Did you know your father-in-law was trying to insist on you marrying his son so he could send Farrell guards here as well?”

My mouth dropped open in shock. “We’re already mated.”

“But a marriage, one where you take his name and pledge to be loyal to him in front of the old gods and new ones...” Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “Well, that would be a strong move in the game of mates and packs.”

“The game of mates and packs,” I repeated, confused by her reference. “You make it all sound so political.”

“Of course it is. Everything is about politics and power when the Families are involved. Please don’t tell me you are foolish enough to believe that something as whimsical aslovebears any weight on these sorts of things.”

Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I forced myself not to pick at my cuticles as nerves wreaked havoc on my blood pressure. “I can’t do that.”

I couldn’t choose one of them over the other. Noah would be gutted. Not to mention Alek... once I got him back. As for Caleb... well, who even knew what the hell he was thinking, but I didn’t see him signing up to be the officiant.

“Oh, I know. What a mess that would be. There’d be bloodshed, sure as the night is falling.” She arched an inquisitive brow. “Does that mean Mr. Farrell isn’t the father, then?”

“I’m... not sure.” I hated feeling so helpless, but right on the heels of my admission came a surge of righteous anger. “By the way, I took your stupid suppressants, so how the hell did I get pregnant anyway?”

She shrugged. Shefuckingshrugged. “Must’ve been a bad batch. Or, how do you say it? Fate? One never knows what’s in store when fate is involved.”

“Convenient excuse.”

She lifted her palms and held them out. “It’s the truth.”

“Easy for the person who didn’t get knocked up to say.”

“About that... you should keep it quiet for as long as you can. Especially since you’re unsure of the paternity. No need to get the gossip mill going. We don’t need any territorial pissing matches to break out.”

“They already know.”

“I don’t doubt it. But they aren’t the only ones affected by your condition. As a rule, Ravenscroft does not allow pregnant students to continue their studies.”

“What kind of backward puritanical bullshit is that?”

“It has nothing to do with chastity. It all goes back to politics. Children tip the scale, especially in powerful families. Not just between natural enemies such as the wolves and vampires, but amongst allies. Everyone here is a target, Mademoiselle Fallon. But if it becomes public knowledge that you are carryingKingston’schild, those who want to take down the Farrell pack will have him at a disadvantage. You know he would risk anything to protect his child, even his life.”