

Isighed and turned the page of the book I’d been trying to read for the last half hour. Kingston had been gone for most of the day, and I’d somehow avoided interacting with his sisters.

Thank God.

The scents of roasting turkey and herbs filled the air, making my mouth water despite the stress of knowing his sisters hated me. My phone let off a soft chime, and I couldn’t seem to pull it out of my pocket fast enough. I was praying it was Kingston letting me know he was on his way back.

In the months since being at Ravenscroft, I’d forgotten how much I hated solitude. After years spent on my own, companionship was something my soul craved. Being mostly ignored for the better part of a day had brought all those old feelings of abandonment roaring back to the surface.

My heart lurched the instant I glanced at the screen.


Noah: Come outside, dove. Please?

Me: Where? I’m not at Ravenscroft.

Noah: I know that. Come outside.

Was he here? Noah Blackthorne couldnotbe here. Any vampire, but especially a Blackthorne, would not be welcome on pack land. Crap. I had to get him out of here before someone else caught a whiff of him.

Scrambling off the couch, I let my blanket fall to the floor as I rushed to grab my boots. In my mad dash, I completely forgot about a coat or a scarf. The only thing I was focused on was getting to him.

“Sunday? Are you all right?” Diana called.

Fuck. How did I answer that? Yes? No? My vampire boyfriend was standing on their property and about to be Christmas dinner?

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m going to take a walk. Get some fresh air.”

“Okay, sweetie. Have fun, but stick close to the house. It’ll be dark soon.”

I stepped onto the front porch and stared down the long driveway. I couldn’t see him, which was good. That meant he was farther away than I anticipated.

Noah: Head toward the gate.

I couldn’t contain my excitement. I was mad at the handsome bastard, but I needed to see him nonetheless. Reaching up, I lightly touched the necklace he’d sent me, my belly fluttering in response. I had to work to keep my pace even. I didn’t want to look suspicious or like I was running.

As I rounded the last bit of drive, the gate and Noah came into view. He looked so handsome standing there in a peacoat and wool scarf, his dark hair tousled by the wind. I’d been surrounded by flannel and denim in the Farrell household—not that I was complaining, the lumberjack look was hot—and Noah’s designer clothes cut such a contrast to my rugged wolf.

“Sunday...” he began, but his voice faltered as we locked eyes. The hurt I’d been feeling opened up as a deep wound in the center of my chest. He didn’t want us.

“What are you doing here, Noah? You weren’t invited.”

Pain flashed in his eyes. “I know. I don’t even deserve your attention, but I had to see you on your birthday.”

My heart squeezed, but the wound he’d inflicted cut deep, and I couldn’t let it go that easily. “Why?”

“Why? Sunday...”

“Yes, Noah.Why. All you do is abandon me. Over and over. I can’t keep doing this. My whole life has been filled with people who decided they didn’t want me. Including you. As much as I love you, I won’t let you keep leaving me.”

His expression twisted into a snarl. It was a look I’d seen Kingston wear, but never Noah. “When the hell did I say I didn’t want you? Every time I’ve had to walk away, it was to keep you safe, to protect you.” He reached up and placed a palm over the traitor mark etched into his skin. “I branded myself for you. Nothing has changed.”

“Hasn’t it? I told you I was pregnant, and you all but ran in the opposite direction.”

“Because it will kill you! I’ve killed you. I can’t hardly stand the sight of myself knowing what I’ve done to you.”