“I could always stay somewhere else,” I offered.

The protests were vehement and immediate.

“No fucking way,” Kingston said, tightening his grip on me.

“I won’t hear of it,” Diana said, resting her hand on my shoulder. “You’re family, dear.”

“Yeah, don’t let Her Royal Bitchiness win,” Tessa chimed in. “Not everyone is a megacunt. Some of us actually know how to have fun.”

Kingston held up his hand for a high five, which Tessa enthusiastically provided. “That’s my girl.”

I didn’t respond. I wasn’t sure what to say.

“Come on, baby, let’s take a walk.” Kingston pulled the blanket off our laps and stood, holding out a hand for me. “Get your coat. It’s cold.”

We made our way to the stairs, intending to grab our things from the bedroom.

“Kingston,” his dad called, halting our movements.


“Enjoy your walk, but don’t be gone long. We need to bring the presents to the rest of the pack.”


“No getting out of it, son. I know your mate’s with you, and you’re feeling protective, but it’s an Alpha’s duty to celebrate with the rest of the pack and make sure everyone has what they need.”

The thought of being here alone without Kingston sent ice through my veins. But I did my best not to let my reaction show. He needed me to be strong. Besides, I handled Callie Donoghue. I could deal with Sparkles, Stripes, and Scrunchie.

I hoped.

Kingston’s palm on the small of my back was a comforting warmth as he ushered me into the safety of his bedroom. “They’ll come around, I promise. They’re just protective.”

Nodding, I sighed. “I just don’t want to ruin Christmas.”

“You never could. Now, go look on the bed. There’s something waiting for you.”

“If you brought Jake 2.0, I’m going to throw him at your head.”

His low chuckle sent my skin tingling. “You won’t hurt him.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Maybe not, but I’d definitely use him on you. Tell me he comes with a strap.”

Kingston’s eyes glittered, and he swallowed. “That’s a conversation for another time.”

Oh. Well, that was exciting.

On the bed was a bundle wrapped in a sparkling purple velvet bag. It had Moira written all over it. “Is this for me?”

Kingston practically vibrated with excitement, like a puppy ready to wag his tail hard enough he might fall over. “Open it and see.”

My fingers shook as I untied the silver cord tied around the top. Inside were four gifts and a note.

Happy birthday, babycakes!

The guys wouldn’t let Kingston have you all to himself today. We all wanted to send you something to remind you of how special you are toallof us.

Love, Moira