“Where do we get one of those?”

“We don’t,” Kingston said.

“A witch,” Caleb corrected, giving Kingston an annoyed glare. “Do you ever pay attention to your schooling?”

I rarely thought of Caleb as my hot professor, but in this moment, he absolutely was, and it was doing it for me in a big way. He was one black-framed set of glasses away from starring in a porno. Fuck, these pregnancy hormones were really getting to me.

“You should ask Moira. She’s a witch.”

It was almost comical, the way Kingston thought he was giving me news I didn’t already know. “Is she? I hadn’t heard.”

“You’re lucky I love you, smart-ass.”

Caleb’s lips twitched. “Our Sunday has a smart mouth.”

“She does. I might need to find a use for it.”

“I can think of several, none of which involve her reciting her nightly prayers.”

“Oh, my God, what is happening right now? Am I still asleep? I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had a dream kick off this way.”

Caleb jerked his chin toward the window, where the sky was already turning a light shade of violet. “As much as I’d love to stay and learn more about these dreams of yours, I have to get to safety before the sun rises.”

“You can stay in the light-proof room Thorne included.”

My chest tightened at Kingston’s mention of my vampire prince and the fact that he’d taken the initiative to include a safe space for Caleb. Everyone seemed to believe we’d all end up together, even though we’d never openly talked about it.

We hadn’t spoken Noah’s name in a week, and he hadn’t been allowed inside the house either. At this point, I wasn’t sure which of us I was punishing more. Only that I needed to give my heart some space to heal before letting him back in again.

“Thank you for the offer, but you both have a long day of travel ahead of you.” Caleb wasn’t looking at either of us; his eyes were on the packed bags sitting under the window. He tore his gaze from the luggage and lasered it on Kingston. “Mr. Farrell, if anything happens to her over the holiday...”

“I’ll take good care of our precious package, Priest. Sunday is safer with me than anyone else. She won’t be hurt on Farrell land.”

“She better not, or you’ll be answering to me.”

I couldn’t help the smile that stretched across my face at the possessive declaration. So much had changed in the last week. I never imagined it would be Caleb making such claims.

“Give me a kiss goodbye, sweetling. I won’t be seeing you for a week.”

A disbelieving giggle escaped me at his demand. Somehow over the last seven nights, we’d crossed a bridge from hesitant to hopeful. I was his and he was mine, even if he wouldn’t allow himself to take me fully again. Even if no one else outside of our circle could know. That didn’t matter. I wanted his heart more than anything else.

I closed the distance between us, leaning up on my tiptoes to lay my lips against his. It started off sweet but quickly turned into something else. I moaned into his mouth, clutching him to keep myself upright.

Pulling back slowly, I stared into his deep blue eyes. “Maybe we could close the curtains?” I asked breathlessly.

He chuckled, giving me a sharp slap on the ass. “Naughty girl, you know the rules. Now to bed with you. You have a lot of travel ahead, and it’s Kingston’s turn to watch over you. I’ll see you when you get back.”

“Bye, Daddy.”

A growl rumbled from his chest as he turned away, shaking his head. “Insolent... and fecking perfect.”

Then he was gone, his form nothing more than a blur as he left the house. Kingston immediately tugged me to him, his face nuzzling my neck, lips brushing my mark. “Does my mate need a little relief after the priest denied her all night long?”

“Yes,” I breathed, melting into him.

“Do I get to be your daddy now?”

I giggled. “You can be my stand-in.”