“I’m sorry.”

He pressed his lips to my temple. “Don’t be. Don’t ever apologize for what you are to me.”

“Tell me more about what our life would be like if you’d met me when you were human.”

“Are you asking me to tell you a bedtime story?”

“Isn’t that what good girls get?”

“I suppose it is. What kind of story would my good girl like?”

“Tell me a fairy tale where we get a happily ever after.”

We lay back together, him spooning me, his lips brushing my ear. But it was the way his palm cupped my belly and his other arm held me close that kept me feeling whole and safe.

“Once upon a time, in a faraway land filled with faeries and all manner of wee beasties...”

I giggled and snuggled deeper. “I think I’m going to like this story.”

“Hush now, or I’ll cease my telling of it.”

“No, don’t stop. I love your voice.”

“Mmm, do you now? That’s good to know. So, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, there lived a carpenter’s son in a small village protected by the fae who lived on the outskirts of the land. To show their gratitude, the villagers held a summer festival every year in honor of the brave fae who kept them safe. As the fair maidens of the town danced together in the square, the carpenter’s son’s eyes locked with the most beautiful of them all. Time stopped as they gazed into each other’s souls right then and there. He had never seen her before, as until now, she’d been kept away by her cruel grandfather. But he knew, from this moment on, he’d never want to be parted from her.”

My chest ached from the sweetness in his words and the honesty layered in with the fantasy. I couldn’t help but join in, wanting to give him back some of the comfort he was giving to me.

“And when the maiden set eyes on the carpenter’s son, she knew he was the one she’d been waiting for. The one who would save her from her sad and lonely life. The one to love her for the rest of her days.”

“Aye, that he was. Now let me tell my story.”

The gentle scrape of his teeth across the sensitive flesh just under my ear sent a shiver skating across my skin. “Okay. Continue.”

“At the first moment he could, the carpenter’s son stole away with the maiden, taking her to a place they wouldn’t be discovered. The faerie glen. He took her in his arms and kissed her under the stars, promising himself to her for all of eternity if only she’d have him.”

I sighed happily, my eyelids growing heavy as he spoke. “This is my favorite story.”

“Mine too,a stor.” He pressed a kiss to my jaw.

“And then what?”

“The fae were so moved by the lovers, they blessed them with a place in their land, life eternal, and a lifetime filled with nothing but love.”

“So they lived happily ever after?”

“Aye, they did. Forever. As they were meant to.”

Tears misted my eyes, but I refused to let him know his tale made me cry in case he’d use it as a reason not to share it again. “Will you come back tomorrow and tell me our love story again?”

He chuckled, his chest rumbling against my back. “I’ll recite it for us both as often as you’d like, darling.”

“Stay until I fall asleep?”

“Of course. Now close your eyes.”

I did as he told me, drifting off quickly with visions of his fairy tale dancing behind my eyelids.