
They had to tell him this wasn’t an option. That there was nothing that would make them consider killing our baby.

But the silence stretched on, not one of them raising a protest. And with every passing second, my heart broke.

My daughter danced in my belly, those once soft kicks now strong and sure. I rested a palm over the place where she’d been moving and closed my eyes, letting myself connect with her. She couldn’t be bad. There wasn’t a single drop of evil in her. I knew it in my bones. I had to save her, even if it meant leaving behind everything and everyone I loved.

I was all she had.

Swallowing back my tears, I pushed away from the wall and started moving as quickly and silently as I could back to my room. After the last attack, we’d all packed bags, ready to flee at a moment’s notice. It had everything I’d need to survive on my own until I found a place to hide. I’d have to figure out how tostayhidden later. It wouldn’t be easy to evade a bunch of vampires, let alone an Alpha wolf, but that was future Sunday’s problem. Right now, I just needed to get out.

I made a beeline for the large walk-in closet as soon as I hit my bedroom. The bag was right where I left it, tucked in a corner next to Noah’s. I never wanted to use it, and I certainly never thought I’d be doing it on my own, but something inside me knew I’d have to.

“Where’s the fire, babycakes?”

I spun around, finding Moira standing inside the closet door, her teasing smile dropping as soon as she got a good look at me.

“Shit, Sunday, what’s wrong? Is it another attack?”

My lower lip wobbled as I worked up the energy to tell her everything. Instead all I got out was, “They’re going to kill the baby.”

Her eyes widened. “Excuse me? I think I just had a stroke. Did you say they’re going to kill her?”

Nodding, I clutched the bag closer and slid my feet into a pair of boots. “I have to leave them.”

Moira looked torn. After what she’d seen during the ritual, I couldn’t exactly blame her for being on the fence about how to proceed. “Are you sure that’s a smart idea? There are a lot of people looking for you right now.”

“I can’t stay here, not knowing what they’re planning to do. I have to keep her safe.”

Moira bit her lip.

“Please, Moira. You have to help me. I’ve seen her in my dreams. I know my baby is good. No one is born evil. Not even Lucifer himself.”

“Herself... since we’re pretty sure she’s your mother, right?”

“Moira. Focus.”

“She sent you those dreams. What if she was trying to do exactly this? Start the apocalypse, get you to bond with the one thing that can open the door. Sunday...”

I blinked back the hot tears burning my eyes. “Iknowshe is good. In my soul, I feel her. She is innocent. Please help me or get the fuck out of my way.”

Sighing, Moira took my hands. “I can’t let you go like this.”

“Then move.” My berserker was knocking at the door, asking for the freedom to destroy in order to protect.

“That’s not what I mean. I can’t let you go without something to keep you hidden. They’ll find you right away. The second you step foot outside, Noah will be on you if Kingston and that big nose of his don’t get there first.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Close your eyes and trust me, okay?”

She was the only person I trusted at this point. Everyone else had betrayed me. Even Alek, after he’d sworn not to.

I let my eyelids fall closed and tried to keep my breaths steady as I let Moira work her magic. I couldn’t see what she was doing, but it felt like drops of misty rain sinking into my skin as her spell spread over me. Everything tingled, building to a burn that flashed over me and vanished almost instantly.

“There. That should buy you some time. You’re not completely untraceable. There are still other ways to track you. Cell phones. People spotting you. Those sorts of things. But they won’t be able to scent you.”

“Thank you, Moira.” I couldn’t manage more than that as I took my tiny witch friend in my arms and squeezed. “I love you.”