My heart was racing as I waited for my turn. With each repetition, the witches’ voices grew stronger and the air in the room more charged. The flickering of the candles no longer seemed natural, but intentional. And was it my imagination, or was the pentagram glowing? Either way, magic was at work here, swirling all around us, preparing to provide us with the answers we sought.

Natalie’s eyes glowed with power as the three witches began the final chant. She trained them on me and gave a slight nod. My hand shook as I dipped my fingers into the bowl, then brought them out of the chalice, watching intently as the thick red liquid pooled into a fat droplet. It fell, almost in slow motion, causing everyone in the room to tense as it splashed to the floor.

As soon as my blood made contact with the lines on the floor, the ruby liquid sizzled. My eyes went wide, and I looked up in concern, wondering if that was supposed to happen. But then a series of shocked gasps brought my attention back to the floor. The point at my feet glowed red and black as it began to smolder, smoke rising in acrid curls as the wood charred. The blood bubbled and then caught fire, an actual flame snaking down the path as it crawled toward the center of the five-sided star.

When it turned toward Noah, he looked both awed and ready to vomit. But the flame didn’t stop with him. It never stopped, but shifted and kept moving along the bloody lines, touching the point where each of my mates stood, like a fuse slowly inching its way to a grand and devastating finale.

“Is this supposed to happen?” I asked.

Natalie’s face paled. “No.”

The moment the flame completed the pentacle, my stomach dropped, filled with dread. A wall of fire shot up, the ground beneath our feet trembling as pounding hoof beats filled the air accompanied by the blast of what could only be described as a horn sounding an alarm. We all fell to the floor, bracing ourselves until the shaking stopped and the world around us went quiet.

“What in God’s name was that?” Cashel breathed.

Natalie stood, her limbs trembling. “The apocalypse.”