“So take some of my fur, hair, spit even. It goes against my nature to willingly spill my own blood in a house full of vampires.”

Alek snickered. “Someone’s chicken shit.”

A low growl left Kingston before Alek even finished. “I’m not the one screaming like a little bitch whenever I see Casper the Friendly Ghost.”

“It’s Callie. If you’re going to talk about me, at least use my name correctly.” Callie appeared next to Alek, making him flinch.

“Thor’s shriveled dick, stop doing that.”

She cackled. “Why would I when you make it so much fun?”

He glared at her, and Kingston piped back up. “You have to admit, this is some sketchy stuff. It’s dark in here, and we’re sitting ducks locked in a room with vampires while they take our blood. This is the kind of thing you start yelling about when we watch scary movies.” He put on a fake accent that was supposed to mimic Alek, I guessed. “No, you incompetent idiot, never run up the stairs when the lights go out. That’s how you end up run through by the killer!”

“I thought it was only the virgins that got murdilated in those movies,” Moira whispered loudly to me.

“No, it’s the virgins who survive. I’m telling you, it’s always death by dick in those flicks,” Ash offered helpfully.

“Shoot, Padre. You almost made it out unscathed. Guess you’re as fucked as the rest of us now.”

“Literally.” Alek chuckled, but Noah shot them all frustrated glares.

“Do you mind? Some of us would like to finish this ritual before Sunday gives birth.”

Kingston snickered. “If she gives birth, we don’t need the ritual.”

Cashel cleared his throat. “But it won’t protect your cub or your mate, and isn’t that quite the point?”

Kingston sobered and gave a heavy sigh. “Right. Slice away, Glinda.”

“Natalie,” Moira corrected, horrified that he would purposely refer to her idol by the wrong name. If she only knew about poor Heidi. Or was it Heather?

Natalie, to her credit, didn’t look the least bit bothered as she pressed the point of the blade into his palm and sliced down into the fleshy part of his hand.

“Fuck, you didn’t say it was silver. That shit burns.” Kingston’s blood welled, spilling into the bowl she held under his hand. “I thought all you needed was a drop.”

“I’d rather take more than have to poke you again.”

He pursed his lips. “Fair.”

She then repeated the act on Alek, Noah, and finally Caleb. The last of whom was surprisingly more mistrustful than Kingston.

“Witchcraft,” he muttered darkly. “I truly am one of the damned.”

Natalie winked at him. “Welcome to the dark side, handsome. We have cookies.”

“Oh well, if there are cookies,” he said, making my lips twitch. His jokes were so rare, they never ceased to amuse me.

“Your turn, Sunday.” Natalie turned to me, her eyes gentle. “Into the chalice for this one.”

I didn’t even flinch as she took my blood, but my men did. Their bodies went taut as tension lined their features. Alek looked like he wanted to fling the knife from her hand, and Kingston’s hands were balled into fists. My vampires seemed to be struggling for other reasons. Their eyes flared wide and their breathing changed as they caught my scent. And they weren’t the only ones.

Noah’s gaze shot to his father and his brother, Westley. The latter had taken a step closer to me, but Cashel had a hand tight on his youngest son’s shoulder, stopping him. A shiver ran through me. Maybe Kingston was right.

“Now what?” Alek asked. “Don’t tell me we have to drink it.”

The innocent comment was a communion joke waiting to happen. I couldn’t help it. I snuck a peek at Caleb, whose knowing gaze was locked on me, his lips tilted in the barest hint of a smile.

“No. Each of you will place one drop of blood from your bowl on the point of the pentacle I assign you. Then, after you have done so, Sunday will do the same from her place at the north.”