Anticipation and a healthy dose of nerves sent my stomach fluttering. I didn’t know what Natalie was going to do, but at this point, anything was better than sitting here in a gilded cage just waiting for another attack.

Caleb offered his elbow, the gesture foreign from him after our history of secret stolen moments together. I locked eyes with him as I slid my arm through his, the warmth I found in his gaze giving me a glimpse of what a life with him would be like. Now that we were away from Ravenscroft, we could be together this way.

Alek tugged on the end of my braid, leaning in and murmuring, “Once this is over, I’ll take care of you. Don’t worry, Kærasta. I know what you’re wanting. I want it too. It’s been too long since I’ve tasted that sweet cunt of yours.”

I practically groaned at the promise.

“Yes, darling one. Once we know the Council won’t be coming after you and we can relax, we’ll all see to you.”

Yes, please.A Caleb and Alek sandwich sounded really good right about now. But a whole sausage buffet would be even better.

Now I was ready to get this meeting over with for another reason entirely. Screw what we learned from the witch; I wanted sexy time with my men. What good were mostly soundproofed rooms if you didn’t test their limits?

“Come on, boys, better not keep Natalie waiting.”

Alek’s knowing chuckle followed me out of the room as I tugged Caleb along with me through the winding maze of hallways beneath the house. When we reached the main floor, a thick veil of magic permeated the air, sending tingles skating over my arms and raising the hair on the back of my neck.

Moira and Ash were already in the library, crowded around a woman I could only assume was the infamous Natalie. She looked far younger than I’d expected since she must be in or approaching her fifties. I wondered if that had more to do with her being a witch or her being a vampire’s bonded mate. Her dark hair was pulled up in a clean bun, her pretty face unlined, her eyes shining with amusement as she listened to Moira’s animated chatter.

Noah stood next to his parents, concern etching a permanent line between his brows. The instant he saw me, he crossed the floor and came to my side. “Allow me to introduce you to my aunt.”

Caleb released me as Noah wrapped an arm around my waist and escorted me the short distance across the room. It was all very formal feeling, and I was suddenly self-conscious in my sweatpants and my borrowed T-shirt. Okay, it wasn’t mine, and it wasn’t borrowed. I stole it from Alek. But these days, anything that smelled like one of my men was fair game, and their shirts just fit better.

“Aunt Natalie, this is my mate, Sunday Fallon.” Noah practically beamed as he introduced us. “Sunday, this is Natalie.”

“I wish we were meeting under better circumstances, Sunday, but it is still a pleasure. I can see how special your connection with our Noah is.”

Kindness radiated from her, instantly soothing me. Thank God. I couldn’t deal with another cranky Blackthorne.

“It’s nice to meet you too. I’m sorry, I would have cleaned myself up if I thought you were arriving so soon.”

She waved a hand. “Please don’t worry about it on my account. I think you look lovely just as you are.”

“So do I, dove,” Noah murmured, kissing my temple.

Natalie was the living embodiment of a hug. I had no doubt her power was considerable. She was likely every bit as scary as Moira’s family when crossed. Still, after feeling like I was surrounded by people I couldn’t wholly trust, her easy kindness was greatly appreciated.

“I have a gift for you,” Natalie said, reaching into the pocket of her skirt and producing a deep green velvet bag.

“For me?”

“Moira and Ash mentioned the charm they made for you went missing. I happened to have this amulet on me. I would have prepared something stronger if I’d known, but it should work in a pinch.” She pulled out a delicate chain with a lovely amethyst crystal dangling from its center. “If it comes in contact with magic of ill intent, it lifts the veil and reveals the truth.”

“That seems like it will come in handy,” I murmured, accepting the necklace and immediately putting it on. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, dear.” Her gaze flicked from me to the doorway, and I followed. Kingston stood there, his hair still damp and curling at the ends from his shower.

“What did I miss? Are we getting presents? Cool.” He strode into the room and put himself right next to me, hand sliding around my waist before he dipped his head and whispered, “Sorry I’m late, baby.”

Natalie lifted one perfectly arched brow. “Is this the wolf?”

After a sigh, Noah nodded. “The one and only.”

She clapped her hands together. “Oh good, then you’re all here. It’s time to begin.”

“What is this for again?”Kingston asked, pulling his hand back as Natalie moved toward him with a small ritual dagger to take some of his blood.

“As I already explained to you, we’re performing the supernatural equivalent of a paternity test, which requires DNA.”