

If my first two weeks at Blackthorne Manor had been a somewhat unwanted, albeit pleasant, vacation, my last two had been an outright prison sentence. Security at the manor was at DEFCON 1. I couldn’t sneeze without someone jumping at the noise. The only high point in the last couple of weeks had been the surprise baby shower Moira had thrown me in an attempt to lift my spirits.

It might not have been so bad if I could find my bracelet, but without its magic or my ability to shift, my men didn’t trust me by myself. And nothing annoyed me more than being treated like a helpless child.

A large warm palm wrapped around my throat, startling me out of my frustration spiral and reminding me I was supposed to be training. Since the attack, Alek had resumed my daily self-defense sessions with a renewed vigor that bordered on obsessive.

His lips brushed the shell of my ear as he scolded me. “Got you. Again. You need to focus, Sunny.”

A little shiver worked its way down my spine, just like it did every time he whispered in my ear. “I’m tired. We’ve been at this for over an hour. Can’t we be done for the day?”

His other arm wrapped around me so he could touch my belly. “Is it the baby?”

“No,” I groaned, kicking the ground to alleviate some of my annoyance. “I’m just over these stupid training sessions.”

“You need to know how to defend yourself without your wolf.”

I rolled my eyes and spun around in his hold. “I spent my whole life without my wolf.”

“In a tower. Not defending yourself.”

“It wasn’t an actual tower,” I grumbled.

His eyes were amused, but his expression was set. “I love you, Sunny, but this is for your own good. You can’t blame us for wanting to make sure you’re safe. If someone gets past us again, all of us—including you—will feel better knowing you’re prepared. These sessions, as annoying as they are, could make the difference in whether you live or die. You better than anyone know how precious a few extra seconds can be in determining the outcome of a battle.”

“He’s right, Sunday.”

My chest squeezed at the sound of Caleb’s brogue from where he’d taken up position in the doorway. If Alek looked like a golden god, Caleb resembled a fallen angel. His dark stare and head-to-toe black clothing gave him a sexy, sinister edge. Especially with the heat in his gaze that promised if I misbehaved his palm would leave a mark on my ass.

“Show me what you’ve learned.”

Caleb was a streak across the makeshift dojo, blurring from his place across the room to me. I timed it just right and took a quick step to the side before his arms could snake out and grab me.

He came to a standstill, and I cocked a brow. “How’s that?”

His lip curled. I blinked, and he was behind me, his lips at my ear and arm crossing me from shoulder to shoulder. “Not good enough.”

I saw the practice weapon, a dull dagger, glint in his raised hand. I couldn’t let him prove me wrong. Using a maneuver Alek and I had been working on, I disarmed him as I broke his hold and snatched the blade for myself. The move itself wasn’t complicated, but the changes to my body affected my balance, so it required a bit more effort to bend the way I needed to without losing the benefit of speed or surprise.


“That’s my girl. She’s got a warrior’s heart.”

I grinned wide at the appreciation in Alek’s voice. Caleb’s gaze shone with pride as well.

“I stand corrected, Miss Fallon.”

Fuck, I was out of breath. Though that could partially be due to the way his voice caressed my name. I loved it when he called me that. Almost as much as when he called me his good girl.

Frustration and need clawed at me. I was a horny bitch, and they’d been treating me like I might break at any moment. Tensions had been running so high since the attempted assassination my men hadn’t been willing to engage in any bed play. They all agreed it was a distraction we couldn’t afford, one that left us vulnerable and weak. No matter how hard I tried to initiate things, they wouldn’t be swayed. Not even Kingston. Maybe I should act up so Caleb could give me one of his special sessions?

“Whatever you’re thinking, little one, put it out of your mind. We’re late.”


“I came to fetch you. The witch is here.”