

“Mmm, Noah, you know what I really want? A fried chicken sandwich with dill pickles. Oh, and some fresh from the oven honey-butter biscuits.” I rolled over in bed, eyes still closed as I reached for him. My palm met cool sheets. “Noah?”

Sitting up, I opened my eyes to find him gone, a note resting on his pillow.

Went for a midnight hunt with my father and brother. If you wake while I’m gone, just know I love you, and I’ll return soon.


“While the vampire is away...” I murmured, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed.

After my impromptu date with Noah last week, I’d made it a point to alternate between group sleepovers and solo nights with my guys in addition to stealing an hour alone with them here and there. Honestly, the change was good for all of us. No one was left out, and I didn’t feel guilty about who got to be the big spoon.

Wrapping myself in a soft robe that smelled like Noah, I crept out of the bedroom, careful to stay quiet. These guys were like watchdogs. If they heard me, one of them would come running, worried something was wrong. Luckily they seemed to be sleeping heavily tonight, and I made it down the hallway unnoticed. Not even Caleb peeked his head out.

The lights in the manor were still on, which made sense since most of the inhabitants were nocturnal. As I reached the kitchen, I was still surprised to find so many people milling about.

The cook, a couple of her helpers, Martin the butler, and Olivia. My bracelet gave a warning flash of heat, and I looked down at it in confusion.

I must have seemed to be in some kind of distress because Martin hurried over to help me.

“Are you well, Ms. Fallon?”

Rubbing my wrist, I gave him a distracted nod. The heat was still there, but it wasn’t searing me like it would if I was in imminent danger. Then it hit me, I was in a house full of creatures who couldn’t help but have urges to actually eat me. That had to be the reason my bracelet kept going haywire.

“I came down to make myself a snack.”

“Me too,” Olivia said, offering me a bright smile. “Cravings?”

I nodded.

“I always woke up wanting french fries and ice cream. What got you out of bed tonight?”

“Fried chicken and biscuits.” I grinned. “Oh, and dill pickles so I can make a sandwich.”

“Excellent choice. I’m sure we can take care of that for you.” This was directed at the cook, who nodded and got to work pulling ingredients out of the fridge. Turning back to me, Olivia asked, “How are you feeling? You must be close to halfway through now.”

I ran my palm over my belly, looking down at the swell. “Twenty-one weeks. She’s so strong. They can already feel her from the outside.” As if she knew I was talking about her, the baby moved, making me laugh. “There she goes.”

Olivia’s eyes brightened. “It’s the strangest feeling, isn’t it?”

Nodding, I took a deep breath and decided now was as good a time as any to bridge the gap between Noah’s mother and me. “Would you like to feel?”

She smiled, the joy in her eyes telling me everything I needed to know. That was the right decision. Her gentle hand settled right where the baby had been kicking, and within a few moments, she did it again.

“Oh, she is strong. Noah was like that. He never stopped dancing in my belly. Kept me up all night kicking me in the ribs.”

My wrist heated in warning, and I backed away, nearly bumping into Martin as I tried to separate myself from Olivia.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Just tired. My feet hurt all the time now.”

“I have just the thing. Martin, will you get me the bath salts?”

“Right away, ma’am.” The butler left but returned almost immediately, a small container of white powder with dried flower petals in his hands.