Callie glared at Alek, hands on her hips. “I was just having a little fun with you. I was going to leave you alone, but now I’m going to haunt you until your time here is through. And maybe after that too.”

“What?” The bewilderment in Alek’s voice was more entertaining than I expected.

“Watch your back, Viking. I’m not linked to this house. I can go where I want.” Then Callie faded away, leaving us without another word.

“You really put your foot in it, mate. She’s vindictive.”

Alek’s brows furrowed. “She can’t really do that, can she? Follow me?”

Sunday patted the mattress. “Come here. I won’t let the mean ghostie get you.”

Alek crawled up the bed, pushing me out of the way as he took my place.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Where am I supposed to go?”

“I could name a few places,” Kingston offered.

I flipped him the bird. “That’s my bed you’re in, you tosser.”

“Not from where I’m laying.”

“Right then. I’ll just return to my room and let you finish this pissing contest of yours, shall I?” Caleb said, his tone exasperated.

“Why bother? Everyone else and their bloody mother is here. Make yourself at home.”

Sunday laughed. “I think you mean aunt.”

Alek gave a dramatic shudder and burrowed into her side. “Don’t remind me.”

Even Caleb cracked a smile at that. That’s when I realized the tension that had sent me racing up here was gone, replaced with a contentment I hadn’t expected. This, these people crowding into my room and my life, was exactly what I’d needed. Family had always come first to me, but I was learning that it may not always be the one whose blood ran through my veins.

Sometimes family was made of the most unlikely creatures.