

My father sat in his favorite wingback chair in the library, his expression stern, eyes stormy.

“What is this about?” I asked.

“The danger you’re in is far greater than you realize.”

“Isn’t that always the case?” I drawled, frustration seeping into my tone. My father knew better than anyone how much Sunday’s pregnancy worried me. For him to toy with me like this by withholding information didn’t sit well. I knew he had my best interest at heart, but he was acting guarded in a way I wasn’t used to. At least not in his dealings with me.

“Watch your tongue.”

“Perhaps if you would be honest with me, I wouldn’t be so on edge.”

“Some things aren’t able to be shared.”

I raised a brow. “It’s always secrets with the Blackthornes.”

“Secrets keep us safe.”

“Do they? Because from where I’m standing, things don’t feel verysafe.”

“Noah, I need you to trust me. I can’t say much, but what I can say is that in addition to the fae, Sunday is being hunted by humans, demons, and vampires alike.”

“Why? What do they want with her?”

He shook his head. “There are things I am unable to tell you even now.”

“So you brought us here.”

“Can you think of a better place? Blackthorne Manor is a veritable fortress.”

“So you mean to keep her prisoner?”

“It’s only a prison if you give it that name. She will want for nothing, be with her mate, be happy, and well cared for. As long as she doesn’t leave.”

“How can she be happy locked within the walls of our estate?”

“She is going to be a mother. Knowing she will receive the best care and that her child will be taken care of will keep her content enough she won’t even realize.”

I snorted. “You don’t know her at all.”

“Maybe not, but here’s one thing I do know. If that child growing in her belly is an abominationyoucreated, we will all pay the price. There is nothing more important to me than the well-being of you, your mother, and your siblings.”

“And what about your grandchild?”

He clenched his teeth, his eyes going hard, but he didn’t say a word.

“I see. Your silence speaks volumes, Father.”

“If we can confirm the child is a Blackthorne, it’ll be a different matter, but from the looks of it, there could be two other fathers. I won’t risk you for a bastard who isn’t yours.”


“What did you say?” His focus narrowed as he shoved to his feet.

“Sunday has four mates. Any one of us could be the father.”