Not stopping our forward motion, Noah continued marching us toward the waiting car. “She’s no longer safe here. I’m bringing her home with me. You better than most understand how well protected she’ll be under Blackthorne care.”

Caleb sneered and grasped my hand once we’d pulled alongside him, finally stalling us. I felt a bit like I was trapped in the middle of a vampire tug of war. If I was a human, I might be at risk of losing a limb.

“Yes, take a delicious-smelling woman into a den of vampires and see how well that works out for you.”

“My father would never allow harm to a single hair on my mate’s head.”

“Clearly you don’t know your father very well.”

I caught sight of Alek and Kingston, accompanied by Moira and Ash, standing next to an obsidian Range Rover with windows so dark you couldn’t see anything. With one pleading look from me, Caleb released my hand. I saw the resignation flicker through him. He knew we had to go.

“Priest, you can stand here and pick a fight with me, or you can come with us. But I’m taking her away from this place.” Noah dragged a hand through his hair and sighed. “My father wouldn’t summon us if the threat wasn’t imminent.”

Caleb took a long, slow breath, pinning me with his stony glare. “My place is with her.”

“Oh my God,it’s like a mini-Ravenscroft,” I whispered as the car approached the gates of Blackthorne Manor.

“Your family has a real hard-on for wrought iron, huh? You really lean into the Gothic hero bit.”

Noah smirked at Kingston. “All the better to stab you with, wolf boy.”

“Better watch out, bloodsucker. Big bad wolf play gets me hard.”

Alek snorted, wrapping his arm around me and tucking me into his side. “Everything gets you hard.”

“Children,” Caleb said with a drawn-out sigh. “All of you.”

The car pulled to a stop in the circular driveway, the house looming, lights in the window making it appear sinister and alive.

“Oh, good, the Addams family is here to greet us,” Kingston muttered.

Noah didn’t respond, but he stiffened at my side.

“It’s okay, Noah. I had to meet them sometime.”

“I would have preferred we do this without the hecklers.”

“Sorry, fangface, you can’t get rid of me.” Kingston spread his legs wide, his arms splayed out over the bench seat running the length of the limousine that had picked us up at the airport.

Caleb sat across from him, his expression pure loathing.

“Like a rash,” Moira whispered, making Ash giggle.

“More like a sexy as fuck tattoo,” Kingston corrected.

The car door opened, and the driver held out a white-gloved hand.

“Oh, he’s trained. Does he wipe your ass for you too?”

Noah ignored Kingston but batted the driver away. “I’ve got a handle on this, thank you.”

“As you wish, Mr. Blackthorne. Your father awaits.”

“Yes, I can see that.”

The driver nodded and moved away as Noah turned to help me out of the car. Before I got out, I looked over my shoulder, giving Kingston the sternest expression I could manage. “Behave. This is stressful enough without your bullshit.”

He blinked. “Yes, Mistress.”