“You four exhausted me.”

He glanced up at me. “How are you feeling? Were we too rough?”

I was sore, deliciously so, but not in any sort of pain. “Just the right amount of rough,” I promised, leaning over to kiss him.

“So we’ll be doing that again then?” he murmured against my lips.

“Oh yes. Often, I think.”

I could feel his smile as he kissed me. His beard brushed my mouth, making me giggle.

“What?” He pulled away and stared into my eyes.

“Just thinking about Tor.”

“You’re thinking about my brother while I’m kissing you?”

I laughed. “Not like that. Just that he’s beardless. Poor bastard.”

Alek’s laughter joined mine, washing over me and cocooning me in his joy. “When my family learns of it, he’ll never live it down. Facial hair is a point of pride for us.”

I gave his well-groomed beard a little tug. “You don’t say.”

“I’m glad you like it. If there’s anyone in this world I’d shave it for, it’s you.”

“Don’t you dare.”

He grinned and captured my lips with his once more, pushing me back with his body as the kiss turned from a sweet tease to something hotter. I shouldn’t have been ready for more after last night, but my body said yes.

“Bloody hell, Viking. Haven’t you had enough?” Noah stood in the doorway, a takeout bag in his hand and a packed duffel bag in the other.

“Never. And I’m not in the mood to share, so fuck off.”

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but plans have changed. We’ve been summoned, dove. We have to leave right now. It’s not safe here.”

My gaze landed on the luggage. “What’s in there?”

“My clothes, yours, anything I thought we might need.”

Moira had been a godsend after the fire. It was thanks to her that any of us had clothes to speak of at all. She and Ash had conjured up as many replacement items as they could, going so far as to make replicas of our personal favorites. Some days it really paid off to have a tiny witch as a bestie.

Alek stood, his body tense.

I sighed. “Well, fuck.”

“Perfectly said.” Noah handed me the takeout bag, and my mouth watered at the scent of my favorite sandwich. “Eat up. We have a long evening ahead of us.”

“Where should I meet you? I’ll go pack a bag,” Alek asked.

“There’s a car waiting. Then we’ll pop off to the airport.”

Alek nodded, leaving me with a kiss and a wink. “See you soon, Sunny.”

After I finished my sandwich, I changed into some of the clothes Noah brought for me. Warm fleece-lined leggings and a cozy cable-knit sweater. If you didn’t know I was knocked up, you’d have no clue in this getup. Probably the point, but I sure as hell was comfortable.

Noah and I walked hand in hand out of the church after I was dressed. Tension rolled off him in waves as we navigated the cobblestone path. He was on high alert. Something serious was going on.

“What the bleeding hell do you think you’re doing, Blackthorne? Where are you taking her?” Caleb stormed down the path, his face twisted in anger.