

Soft tickles across my belly pulled me from the haze of sleep. The sound of a deep baritone filling the room had me blinking my eyes open. Alek’s fingers trailed along the exposed skin of my bump, his lips close to the swell as he sang.

“‘My mother told me, Someday I will buy, Galleys with good oars, Sail to distant shores...’”

I combed my fingers through his long hair, and he stopped, backing away just a little.

“Don’t stop. It’s beautiful.”

He gave me a bashful grin. “My father sang it to us as babes. It was the same lullaby his mother sang to him. Some old Norse poem she loved, written by a berserker war poet.”

The contradictions of such a person existing made me snicker. “How fitting.”

“Right?” His lips twitched with mirth, and then his soft smile faded, his eyes narrowing as he searched my face. “Why do you look like you’re about to cry?”

“I’m so glad you came back to us, Alek,” I said, my throat suddenly constricting as a swell of emotion hit me out of nowhere.

He reached up and brushed his knuckles across my cheek. “As am I,Kærasta.” His expression darkened. “Even if I never remember our past, I have fallen in love with the woman meant to be mine all over again. How many people get to say they’ve been blessed twice?”

The tears I’d been fighting spilled free. “Alek...”

“I mean it, Sunny. I love you. Not because Ihaveto, but because I couldn’t stop it if I tried. You are mine.”

“I love you so much. Now keep singing. She likes it.”

“Already our little one has me wrapped around her finger.” He grinned and palmed my belly before beginning the song again. The baby shifted, moving in response to his resonant timbre, and his voice faltered, focus steady on his palm. “Sunny? Did I...”

“You felt that? So far I’ve been the only one who could.”

Wonder transformed his handsome face, making him appear more boy than man. “Good morning, my beautiful girl. I can’t wait to meet you and teach you the proper way to destroy your foes.”

“Uh... Alek. We need to work on your baby talk. Maybe we save the slaughter and revenge stuff for when she’s older. Like... way older.”

“Why? I had a blade in my hand before I could walk.”

“That’s mildly terrifying.”

“But look at me now.”

I shook my head. “She has us to protect her for now. No need to worry about her taking care of herself.”

Alek gave me an exasperated but still affectionate look. “Sunny, teaching her to protect herselfishow we take care of her. No child of ours will walk the realms free of enemies. The earlier we start, the safer she will be.”

As if in answer, she gave a solid kick to his hand, and he snickered.

“See? She agrees with her father.”

Rolling my eyes, I sat up and stretched. I felt good. Like... really fucking good. Better than I had in months. Was it because of the blood Caleb had given me? Maybe. But part of me thought it had something to do with the fact that all four of my mates werefinallywhere they belonged. Bonded to me.

“Where are the others?” I asked, looking around the room and finding no evidence of them.

“Caleb returned home before the sun fully rose. The others went hunting for food and showers. I volunteered to stay behind and keep watch over you while you slept.”

My stomach rumbled. “What time is it?”

“Nearly sunset. You slept most of the day away.”