

Apunishment? That made my dick go from six to midnight instantly. The priest pulled out of Sunday, his cock still half-hard and covered in her. She laid there looking dreamy-eyed and sated, her tits swollen, belly gently rounded, those full hips of hers just accenting exactly how perfectly she’d been made. She was the picture of everything I needed, laid out like a feast.

Minus the blood. They were both covered in it. Since neither one of them was dead, I wasn’t worried, and since he was a vampire, blood sort of came with the territory. I sniffed deep, the answer for their state coming to me as the scent of her newest bond layered through her arousal.

“You two bonded. Fucking finally.”

“Does it always look like a fucking murder scene when a vampire claims their mate?” Alek asked.

“Not when I did it,” Thorne said.

“Shut the fuck up. You’re ruining this. I think an orgy is on the table. Can we help?” I blurted, hoping I didn’t sound like an eager fucking kid, but God, I was dying for a taste of her.

“Only if you are willing to follow my orders and act as the implements of her punishment.”

“What do you have in mind?” Alek asked, his eyes fever-bright as he leaned against the door frame.

“Sunday broke the rules and came without permission. So now our little wolf isn’t allowed to come until everybody else gets their turn.”

Sunday’s mouth rounded in a silent ‘o.’

“As this is my punishment to oversee, you three must do as I say to deliver the blows.”

“I’m not going to hit her,” Thorne ground out.

“I’m not asking you to. These blows will be more carnal in nature.”

“That I can handle,” Thorne said, unbuttoning his shirt.

I looked back to Sunday, needing to make sure this was something she wanted. I lifted my brow in a silent question she had no trouble interpreting. She nodded eagerly, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

“I’m ready. Sunshine, it looks like you’ve been a bad girl. You just can’t help yourself, can you?”

“No. I can’t.”

Caleb stood next to the bed, his gaze hard and intense.

“What do you want from me, Padre?” I asked.

“Clean up the mess I made.”

Sunday pressed her legs together and moaned my name. The desire in her voice went straight to my balls.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.”

Caleb moved over, making room for me as I tugged my shirt over my head and whipped off my pants. I was already popping out of my boxers as I climbed up her body and gave her an open-mouthed kiss.

“Roll over and present.”

Sunday bit her bottom lip and nodded, twisting beneath me as she moved to obey. I sat back on my heels, kneading her ass as she raised it for me. Then with both hands, I spread her cheeks before leaning in and licking the seam from taint to tailbone. She cried out and arched her back, trying to get away from me, but failing.

“I said, clean her up.” Caleb’s words were harsh and firm. I didn’t give one single fuck.

I backed away, inspecting that perfectly juicy ass before I slapped one cheek. “Arch that back, baby. I want to see every single inch of your cunt.”

Sunday did so immediately, a little whimper of need escaping her.