I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Look at you. And here I thought I’d learned all your secrets.”

“I just want to make you smile. Now close your eyes. You’ll spoil it if you see before we get there,” he growled playfully.

“I don’t like surprises.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Not anymore.”

His lips brushed my forehead. “You’ll like this one. I promise.”

I pursed my lips but grudgingly obeyed. Knowing Kingston, he was probably right. He’d been on a mission to keep me as happy as possible these last couple of days. I didn’t think he’d risk doing anything that might have the opposite effect.

A few minutes passed before we came to a stop, the cold flakes of snow landing on my cheek picking up their pace as a storm threatened overhead. I shivered.

“Okay, Sunshine. Open your eyes.”

He set me on my feet, and I stared at the old but well cared for carriage house in front of us. Confusion had my brow furrowing. “What is this?”

“Surprise. We’re home.” His voice held a nervous edge like he was worried I wouldn’t like it. “At least for the rest of the year.”

“Home?” I stepped forward onto the walkway that led to the front door. “This isn’t mated pair housing. Those are apartments. This is a whole ass house.”

Color tinged his cheeks, and he ran a hand along the back of his neck. “We have the leech to thank for that. He pulled some strings and forked out a lot of dough to have the contractors get this place converted for you in time.”

“In time for what?”

“Your birthday. It’s kind of from all of us, even though he footed the bill. The rest of us gave input on the inside—even the priest. Even though it's temporary, we wanted you to be comfortable.”

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, stinging as emotion welled and clogged my throat. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll stay.”

“We don’t need so much space anymore. It’s just the two of us.”

He slid his palm over my non-existent bump. “Three.”

I pushed his hand away, not wanting to draw attention to my belly. Just because the guys knew didn’t mean I wanted everyone else to know yet. Something in me warned that this was a secret I needed to keep as long as possible.

My heart ached that Kingston didn’t correct me and say the others would be back. As much as Noah and Caleb had hurt me, I didn’t want to be without them permanently. And even though I hated it, it had been Alek’s choice to go with his father. Though a part of me knew the decision wouldn’t have been so easy for him if he’d known about the baby. Surely when he came back he’d want to be with us. Family was everything to my Novasgardian.

If he comes back.

Shoving the thought away, I forced myself to smile as I gestured to the house. “Show me?”

Kingston took my hand. “I thought you’d never ask.”

The instant I walked through the door, I was soothed by the familiar scents of my mates. They’d all been here. Echoes of their distinct markers filled the space, some only a ghost, others strong and alive.

“There are four bedrooms so the others can have their own space while they sleep.”

I cocked my head and stared at Kingston. “The others have to sleep in their own rooms? Where are you sleeping?”

“With you, of course.”


“Confident. Besides, as far as I’m concerned, they need to re-earn their place in your bed.”