

“You’d think portal dude would have been able to at least drop us off at home instead of the middle of the woods,” Kingston muttered as we walked up the few steps leading to the front door of our house.

“Portal dude, as you call him, can only open the fabric of space in a location he’s been previously. Count us lucky we were able to step out on Ravenscroft land at all.” Alek waited for me to go first, his intense stare never leaving me.

I hadn’t been able to bring myself to look at him directly, but I could feel his eyes on me. He hadn’t looked away for more than a second. Perhaps it should have reassured me, that sign of his devotion, but I was afraid to trust it.

He still didn’t remember me, Sunday Fallon. He was only interested in me because he’d learned I was his mate. Some people may not care about such a distinction, but I did. I didn’t want him to feel like hehadto want me. I wanted him to choose me... if that made sense.

“You coming, Sunshine?” Kingston held out a hand as he used his free one to palm the doorknob. “You look a little lost.”

“Just soaking it all in. I finally have everyone back on the right plane of existence. It’s kind of a big deal.”

“You really missed me that much?” Alek asked, his voice filled with wonder. As though there was no way I could genuinely feel deeply for him.

“Yeah. I did.”

The front door opened, revealing Noah, an amused grin on his face. “What’s taking you lot so long? Come on, then. You’re going to want to see this.”

He hadn’t been away from us for long. He’d run ahead to make sure the heat in the house was on and things were ready for our return, but that twinkle in his eye spoke of mischief. What the hell could he have gotten up to already?

“What did you do?”

“It wasn’t me.”

We exchanged curious glances and went inside. I only made it a few steps before I stopped dead in my tracks, giggles bubbling up in my chest.

“Loki’s enormous cock, what have you done to my brother?” Alek’s words were colored with laughter.

I couldn’t blame him, not when there was a 6’5” demigod sitting in a chair with sparkly pink goop on his face and curlers in his hair.

“Don’t criticize my work. This is important,” Moira said from behind him as she secured the final roller in his hair.

“I can see that,” Kingston said.

Moira glanced up, her mouth falling into a little o of surprise before she let out an unladylike snort. “What the hell are you wearing? You look like a stripper I once saw atIniquity.” She glanced at Tor and winked.

He rolled his eyes at her, but there was no missing the upward curl of his lips.

What kind of mischief did those two make while we’d been away? And do I really want to know?

Kingston looked down his body, a smirk twisting his lips. “Like what you see, huh? I’m thinking of making a permanent change. Viking chic.”

Tor snickered. “You may wear the clothes, but that doesn’t make you a Viking. For one thing, you don’t have what it takes to properly fill out the leathers.”

“I haven’t had any complaints. Besides, I’m not the one getting a perm.”

“Ah, so he’s insecure in his masculinity. Noted.” Tor gave his head a little shake, then locked his gaze on Alek. “I see they were successful in returning you, brother.”

Alek crossed his arms, still amused as he stared at his twin. “So... did you lose a bet?”

The offhanded comment stung, bringing back the memory of the moment he called the tattoo of my name something he’d had to get due to a lost wager. I pushed it aside, not letting myself fall into the spiral of emotion.

It was hard to tell under the face mask, but I was pretty sure Tor blushed. “What gave it away?”

Alek lifted a hand to tug on his own beard. “Can’t imagine another reason for you to rid yourself of your manhood.”