Nord stepped forward and rested his palm on the top of my head, closing his eyes and focusing. I felt it the moment he found the berserker inside me. It was as if a string had been plucked, and the vibrations of my endless fury rang out, filling me.

“Alek,” he whispered, his eyes opening and boring into mine. “It’s true. The berserker lives in her, but it’s not her own beast. She shares Alek’s.”

“That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you,” Kingston said, annoyance in his tone. “Jesus, these people.”

Nord speared Kingston with a pointed glance. “You do not know me or what I can do, so allow me to educate you, wolf. I am a berserker. My first language is violence. I thrive on chaos and pain, blessed by the Allfather himself to ensure there is no enemy I cannot defeat. Insult me or a member of my family again, and I will personally rip your dick off and make you choke on it. If you would like to test me, please, keep talking.”

Kingston didn’t back down, but I didn’t miss him bringing his hand down to cover his package protectively. “I’m here to bring Alek back. He belongs with Sunday, just like the rest of us do.”

“Nord,” Cora said, pulling his attention back to her. “The boy is telling you the truth. I have a feeling none of us will be safe if Sunday is separated from her mates. It is not only our world that hangs in the balance, but all worlds.” She flicked her gaze to Alek, and the way he squirmed under her attention sent unease curling in my belly. This woman had power, and the way everyone stiffened the moment she said‘I have a feeling’made it clear what came next should not be ignored. “Your son has to return with her. He must be at her side to help her face what’s on the horizon.”

“What’s on the horizon?” Alek asked.

She looked me dead in the eyes, sending a chill down my spine. “War.”