

“Well, this can’t be good.” Kingston gripped my waist tighter than necessary as the three of us entered the throne room once again, the same eerie shadows cast on the walls greeting us.

“Keep moving,” Strega said from her place holding open the massive metal doors.

She’d been our constant guard since the night before. Well, technically it had been this morning. It was a little hard to keep track of the passing hours, but it had been the middle of the night when we’d arrived, and the sun had just started to sink back into the horizon when we’d been summoned. Somewhere between Alek bursting in my room and now, I’d managed to fall asleep and get a little rest. It was that or continue pacing like a caged lion.

Nord had called us his guests, but with the way we’d been confined to my room after what happened with Alek, I was feeling more like a prisoner. Especially since no one had seen fit to speak to us except to order us dressed and ready for this meeting. To say I was nervous about what was about to happen was a serious understatement.

“Don’t be afraid, Sunday. Come forward.” Lina’s warm voice eased something inside me, but only a little.

Alek stood with his parents, the three of them a unit, flanked by a younger woman who resembled Alek so much I could only assume she was his sister Astrid. All they were missing was Tor, and we’d have a perfect family portrait.

My mate’s eyes locked on me the second I crossed the threshold. My heart clenched. It was such a different reaction than the last time. There was an intensity in his gaze that had been missing before. Perhaps not recognition, exactly. But it was certainly more than curiosity. The difference was enough to give me the courage I needed to take the next step.

Noah, Kingston, and I moved into the room. They’d sandwiched me between them, neither one wanting to leave my side after Alek’s earlier rampage. I couldn’t blame them. I would do the same thing, and I definitely appreciated the show of support. Especially once my focus landed on the other trio in the room.

We were joined by a handsome man I recognized from the night Alek was taken and two women I’d never seen before but were clearly related. Their purple eyes were trained unblinkingly on me, and frankly, freaking me the fuck out.

Who were they, and why were they here?

We walked forward until the three of us stood mere feet from the Vikings who held our fates in their hands.

“You summoned?” I tried for strong, confident badassery, but was pretty sure the question came out weak and wobbly.

“We did. We need to explain what’s happened,” Lina said, threading her fingers with Nord’s. “And offer you an apology.”

I blinked. Well, that wasn’t what I’d expected to hear. I was expecting something more along the lines of us getting thrown out on our asses.

“An explanation would be nice,” I said, hoping this time my voice passed for something more even.

“His memories were taken in a misguided attempt to control his berserker. I don’t know how much you know about berserkers, but when separated from their mates, they often go mad. That’s where Alek was headed.”

“So you stole me from him? How is that better?”

The younger of the two unfamiliar women cleared her throat. “I can’t help but notice you’re only concerned about how this affected you.”

“Quinn,” Lina murmured, a warning in her tone.

“What? It’s true. What you are all failing to mention was that taking away the memories saved his life.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“He was on the verge of never coming back to us. He’d have gone into a rage spiral, destroying everything in his path, even himself, if we’d have let it go.”

“It doesn’t look like he’s got that much more control now. A few hours ago, Nord had to stop him from tearing us apart with his bare hands for no good reason.” Noah’s words were strong and self-assured.

“That’s because you were hurting her. You dared take what’s mine. She’s been given to me by Odin himself, and you spilled her blood.” Alek stared Noah down, a threat in his tone.

“You make it sound like I was brutalizing her. She gave me her permission, berserker. Any bloodletting was consensual, I assure you.”

Alek glared at Noah, the distinction not swaying him in the least. “I don’t see your name etched into her flesh. If she was your true mate, you’d defend her against any others trying to mark her.”

Kingston snorted. “Seeing as how you were thethirdto claim her, I’d back up that high horse of yours. Those areourmarks on her neck.”

“It’s my child in her belly,” Alek protested.