I got to my feet on shaky legs and stumbled to the glass wall, pressing my palms to the cool window. “Give her back to me. Please? I feel... wrong without her. Broken.”

Her bravado fled when her eyes met mine. “Oh, Tiny. I didn’t do it to hurt you. I was saving your life.”

“You didn’t save it. You ruined it.”


“You know he’s telling you the truth,” Finley said, ducking his head so he was speaking directly in her ear. “A man cannot live without his soul. It is a half-life at best, you said so yourself. Would you really condemn your own godson to such a miserable existence?”

She lifted her chin, but there was no missing its quiver. “To save his life, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do. She’s going to get him killed.”

“Please,” I begged. “It’s my life. I should be the one who gets to decide what I can and cannot endure.”

My mother reached out a hand and rested it on her best friend’s shoulder. “Quinn, I’m begging you. Don’t make my son suffer like this. I know your heart, that your intentions were pure. You never intended for things to turn out this way, but look at what it’s doing to him. We will find another way. We always do.”

She looked between all of us, utterly defeated. “Okay. Fine.”

Relief and something that felt a hell of a lot like hope swelled inside me as she stepped forward and placed her palms on the glass.

“Look at me, Alek.”

I mimicked her, the thick barrier between us not stopping the energy from transferring through her and into me.

“Stare into my eyes and let me weave the threads back together.”

So I did. I fell into that purple gaze and waited for my life with Sunday to come back to me.

And I waited.

And waited.

My aunt pulled back, her hands shaking and her expression tinged with terror.

“What is it?” Father demanded.

“It’s... it’s not working,” she said, shaking her head. “I keep weaving the strands, but they wither and die before taking root. I don’t... I don’t know what’s going on. This has never happened before.”


Dear gods, no.

“What are you saying?” I asked, voice tight with fear. I needed my memories back. I needed to know the woman responsible for setting off the beast inside me. I needed to remember my mate.

“I’m so sorry, Alek. There’s nothing I can do. She’s lost to you.”