As though summoned by my thoughts, I felt it the second Noah’s gaze landed on me. My traitorous body responded, the hair on the back of my neck lifting and my heart picking up speed. Instead of giving in to the keening need begging me to look at him, I turned the other way.


“Fuck off, knobhead. She doesn’t want to see you right now.” Moira’s fierceness eclipsed her size a hundred times over. And I didn’t stop her, even though the bond between Noah and me begged me to acknowledge our connection.

“Nice one,” Kingston said, holding up his hand for a high five.

Moira eyed his palm with distaste. “Nope.”

He shrugged and wrapped his arm back around my waist.

Noah tried to catch my eye one more time. “Sunday... please. You don’t understand—”

“You heard the witch. Fuck off. Sunday doesn’t need you anymore.”

I lost the battle to keep my gaze off him and finally looked up. Grief flashed in Noah’s eyes as they met mine, and he hesitated for another moment before sighing and walking away.

Kingston must have felt my muscles tense up again because he spun me around in his arms and pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose. “I have a surprise for you, Sunshine.”

He’d used similar means of aggressive affection to combat my melancholy every time my mind wandered to my missing berserker. Or to Noah’s less than enthusiastic response to my news. And Caleb’s... Calebness.

I had to give it to the wolf—it was effective.

“You go on ahead, Sabrina. I’ve got this. Don’t worry about leaving a light on. She won’t be back tonight,” he added with a cocky wink.

“What did I tell you about that nickname, Alphahole?”

“Don’t be mad. You know I’m your favorite.”

“Only because the others are fuck-ups or totally MIA. It’s not like the bar is very high right now.”

“Aw, don’t be like that, Elphaba.”

“If you don’t knock it off with the pop culture witch references, I’m going to put an itching hex on your underwear.”

“Don’t you dare come near Jake. Sunday would never forgive you.”

“I thought you were leaving.”

“I’m trying, but you won’t go away.”

Moira huffed. “Fine.I’mleaving. Don’t go and get yourself pregnant... oh, wait.” She snickered and blew me a kiss.

“You know there are a lot of other ways I could get myself into trouble besides that.”

“I know, sweetie. You’ve done them all. It was only a matter of time before you went for the obvious choice.”

“Get out of here, Elphie.” Kingston leaned close, whispering in my ear, “Close your eyes and trust me?”

I nodded as Moira grumbled and walked away from us.

“What, no broomstick?” Kingston called after her. “I thought everyone deserved a chance to fly.”

Moira gave him the finger as she stomped off.

“You’re really on top of those Wicked references. You a secret musical theatre nerd?”

He started humming the chorus ofPopularas he lifted me into his hold and headed forward, walking at a steady pace. “So what if I am?”