Caleb’s tense thigh had me licking my lips. This was fun. Maybe Moriarty should stay.

“I’m ready to send them all home for their own good. Some of them don’t know how to take care of themselves.”

I rolled my eyes at Moriarty’s blatant dig.Maybe it’s because we’re too busy taking care of each other.

I thought he was done, but he continued. “And then there’s that Fallon girl, strutting around with every man who’ll pay her any attention. Did you know she wasn’t on suppressants? She had half the male population here panting after her. Something needs to be done.”

Dick.Heat flooded my cheeks. It wasn’t like I was asking for it to happen. And while it was true I’d been sleeping with more than one man, outside of my mates, there wasn’t anyone else I would even consider being intimate with.

And then Caleb came to my defense and snuffed out any shame Moriarty’s words brought to life.

“It’s not like she did it on purpose, Eugene. No one ever told the girl what would happen. She can hardly be blamed for biology running its course.”

Professor Moriarty tutted, and I actually feared for the man’s safety. How did he miss the undercurrent of violence running through Caleb’s voice? It sounded like he was seconds away from ripping the toady man’s head off.

“If you ask me, she’s trouble. Someone should send her home.”

“She deserves her spot here just as much as anyone else.”

That had me smiling. Caleb’s fingers loosened on my wrist, and I fought a gasp as the pad of his thumb rubbed gently against my skin.

“You have to admit, she’s a danger to us. We don’t know what she is.”

“She’s a wolf.”

“Half of her is. But what about her mother? For all we know, she’s a succubus who hasn’t come into her power.”

I stilled, wondering if he could be right. I never even considered the possibility that my mother wasn’t a shifter. I’d always just assumed.

Caleb chuckled. “She is quite... seductive.”

Oh, I’d show him seductive. I slid my free palm up his thigh until I made contact with the swollen length of him. The way his hips twitched and he sucked in a sharp breath sent pride through me.

“Everything all right?” Moriarty asked.

“Yes. That is just an intriguing thought. A succubus on campus would be something.”

“Could explain the wards going off. A half-demon wouldn’t be bound by them in the same way. This really deserves proper looking into. We should run tests.”

I slowly tugged Caleb’s zipper down and reached inside.Oh, Father Gallagher... no undies? How naughty.

He grunted. “We’re not going to start treating the girl like a bloody science experiment. Besides, no one said it was her messing around.”

“You’re going to tell me it wasn’t her? She defies the rules at every turn. Spoiled, pampered princess. Just like the rest of them.”

I stroked Caleb’s cock, rolling my palm over the crown. The slight moan he let out had me wet and aching.

“I think you’re putting too much stock in this.” His voice was tight, and when I licked the head of his cock he kicked his hips forward involuntarily. The hand holding my wrist prisoner let go, and he threaded his fingers through my hair, trying to keep me still.

“Doesn’t matter. The possibility alone should be investigated. And if it wasn’t her, there’s still the chance some other hellspawn half-breed is to blame.”

I took him fully into my mouth, loving the feel of the velvet soft skin surrounding the steel-hard shaft of his erection. He couldn’t hide his gasp this time. His hand tightened in my hair, and he thrust up, sending himself deeper.

“What? What is it?”

Caleb started coughing, like he was clearing his throat. “Nothing, just swallowed funny.”

I snickered to myself.Smooth move, Priest.From the feel of things down here, it wouldn’t be long before I was the one doing the swallowing.